Seventeen - Liquid Courage

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My eyes flew open in shock and intense, throbbing pain. My eyes locked with Finn's and I scowled. What is he doing here?

"Where am I?" I asked, rubbing my temples. This hangover was killing me.

He handed me a coffee cup and sat me down on the couch. Finn sighed, grinning evilly.

"You wouldn't believe what happened last night."


"That was Finn calling to say he was coming over in a few minutes," Elliot said, putting his phone back in his pocket. "He's bringing over that other girl as well, that friend he's talked about. You know her, Carter, don't you?"

Carter frowned in confusion. Then his eyes widened. "Isn't she like the daughter of some big-shot company? Or his dad's friend's cousin's something?"

I chuckled nervously and took another sip of my drink. I wasn't going anywhere for a long time.

Finn came about ten minutes later (I promise, I wasn't counting), and introduced Rosie to the group.

"Hey guys, this is Rosie Williams." He introduced.

I took another swig of my drink.

Everyone said 'hi' and introduced themselves, before Rosie locked eyes with me.

"And of course you know Sophia from earlier today, or, formally, the 'clumsy dork'." Finn said, chuckling at me.

I shot him a saccharine smile and bit my tongue to try and stop myself from saying something crazy. Calm down, Sophia. It's just a bit of banter. Deal with it. "Hello to you too, Finn."

Hours later, Elliot and Carter went and dropped Tori and Vienna off at the apartment because they got really drunk and nearly passed out. I stayed behind because...well...what was I staying behind for?

Did I stay behind because I wanted to get even more drunk than I already was? Did I stay to prevent anything from happening between Rosie and Finn? I don't know. I was too drunk to remember. Or care.

Pouring myself another drink, Finn coughed. "I think you should stop with all those drinks, Buttercup. That's like, your fifth."

I grinned drunkenly and giggled. Rosie gave me a look of disgust. "Ooooh, so NOW you care huh?" I teased. "Have you been counting or something?"

He sighed. "Sophia, you're definitely very drunk right now."

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