Forty Three - Choice

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Days passed as I was kept in hospital for inspection, but all the injuries I sustained healed over time and now I was all better. It was truly a miracle. I thank all of the gods in this world for their support.


Why on earth was I so absent-minded?


I got back home in our Watermont Beach apartment last night after a long flight and had a deep sleep.


Crouching down to pick up an odd sock, my dad knocked on the door. He shifted uncomfortably. "Uh...the Callahans stopped by to visit you."


My eyes bulged. "T-the Callahans? As in Ashley and Theo?"


"They're downstairs waiting for you." I nodded, and headed downstairs. I hadn't seen them since I got back from the hospital.


My eyes locked with another Callahan my dad forgot to mention. Finn. And what really got my heart racing and what really made my breath hitch was the fact that he was wearing the hoodie. The same hoodie he lent me that day I nearly drowned in freshman year. But all thoughts of him erased from my mind when I saw Ashley beaming at me.


"Hey everyone! Thanks for stopping by." I said. I hugged Ashley and waved at Theo.


"I'm just so happy to see you're doing alright." I giggled.


"Aw, Ashley, I missed you so much!" I said, shooting her a small smile. "How's Steven?"


Everyone just blinked at me, coughing uncomfortably. Did something happ- "He's not doing so well right now." Ashley admitted. The smile she wore just moments ago faded away and was replaced with a look of sorrow. "Not at all actually. His rate of survival is at around ten percent. It's not looking too good."


I gasped. "No way! This can't be happening."


Theo shook his head and let out a short breath. "We saw this coming the moment he got into the hospital that night of the company dinner. The question was just when his next heart attack would be."


I was lost for words. Looking to Ashley, I watched her sigh and chew her lip. "We just need to keep our chin up and be strong. That's how I raised my kids, and you should learn it too." I wiped away a stray tear from my eye. First my mom, and now this? "You'll come across more obstacles in your lifetime, Sophia, and that's how you should get through them, by staying strong."


Staying strong? How was I supposed to stay strong when one of the most important parental figures in my life, was having theirs slip away from them?


Theo and Ashley headed into the living room, chatting with Dad. Which left me alone with him.


"Hey," Finn breathed. "Uh, can I talk to you for a second?"


My breath got caught up in my throat, choking a reply. "S-sure. What is it?"


He tugged on the hem of the hoodie. "Sophia, you do know I care about you, right?"

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