What Dating Them Is Like (The Guys)

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-You met a few months into the Safe Haven

-He was still processing his feelings about Teresa and you were still settling in so a romantic relationship wasn't on either of your minds

-You did quickly become friends though, hanging out a lot and sometimes leaning on each other for support

-Everyone could tell there were more feelings than you two were letting out but just waited to see how it would play out

-You were the first to realize your feelings but weren't sure about his

-Only when you pulled away to deal with yours, did he start to catch on that he wanted to be more than friends

-One random night when he couldn't sleep he knocked on your hut and spilled absolutely everything the second you opened the door

-You invited him inside, where you both sat on the floor drinking coffee and talking about everything

-He moved in almost immediately because he was done wasting time when life was so sacred

-He does hog the sheets so you had to get a second blanket, but it was totally worth it

-He’s basically glued to your hip and really protective of you but in a cute way


-You were a Medjack and ended up getting close to him because you helped him with his leg

-You never learned what happened, and he barely said a word when you were helping so you didn't bother to ask

-When eventually all he had was a limp, he ended up seeking you out one Greenie night to thank you

-From there, you two became genuine friends but you still never learned or sought out what happened to his leg

-He would sometimes visit you during work, just to talk and say hi

-You were always more than happy to have him, which Clint and Jeff would sometimes tease you about

-During one of the times he was just talking about the garden you realized that you had fallen for him

-Not wanting to waste any time, you asked if he’d like to hang out the next Greenie night with just you, as a date

-He went silent out of surprise but also because it made him realize that he took had fallen for you

-The date went so well you two would get together every other Greenie night

-Your relationship was a mix of hurt/comfort and strangers to friends to lovers


-You two met on the night of the storm because you're kind of like Brenda’s adopted sibling

-You watched him get struck by lightning and offered to see if there was any damage, which he declined heavily

-You were iffy about his attitude, and he was iffy about some random stranger trying to help him

-You sort of just watched the drama of him getting strung upside-down down but didn't pick sides

-He was growing resentful towards everyone there, including you

-When you ended up being one of his only hopes for Thomas though, he settled on being civil

-The problem was that he found it hard to just be civil when he actually got to know you

-When he got taken by WCKD, you ended up being dragged along too, just to be another variable

-You couldn't directly talk, but you exchanged notes through doors daily, which became his reason to hang on

-When he freed himself his first thought was getting you out with him

-When you got to the Safe Haven you both took it slow despite the feelings being obvious because of everything you had been through but you got there nevertheless


-You two didn't get along very well in the Glade for reasons you couldn't quite figure out

-This left you definitely confused when you saw him “die” because you felt a heartache like like other

-You had to be dragged away from his side

-The Gladers were kind of confused by your reaction but didn't press it since you were obviously distressed

-You tried to figure that out during any second you had that was free but just couldn't put your finger on why it affected you

-He didn't remember that so he just did his best to forget about you and everyone when he was picked up by Right Arm

-When you found out he was alive in the city, you just froze in disbelief

-He took that as anger so after Thomas punched him also looked at you

-Instead of doing anything like that you just ran up and hugged him while blurting out that you love him, which caught everyone off guard

-That’s when he realized why you had been stuck on his mind but since he was too shocked to speak he just kissed you

-It was very up and down, but it was worth it in the end

Aris Jones

-You met in WCKD, when you sat with him to get a break from the people in your Maze

-Neither of you really talked, you because you were tired and him because he didn't know what to say

-You ended up talking when he ran into you also trying to escape that place and helped you

-You two were in the same boat of not knowing where you friends are so you sort of bonded over that in the Scorch

-You ended up becoming really close unofficial friends which made him getting taken by WCKD really painful

-During the time you were apart you both ended up realizing your true feelings for one another

-When you rescued him, you both kind of didn't know how to say it

-Harriet and Sonya realized though and gave him a gentle nudge

-He pulled you away from everyone on the bonfire night and told you how he really feels by the ocean

-You didn't know what to say so you did the next best thing and kissed him

-It was a really painful slow burn with a pretty happy ending

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