Chapter 2. Perks

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Chapter 2.

The two women caught me by surprise. What were they talking about when they said Lesbian Academy? I have never heard of such a place before. Noticing my discomfort, they lead me to the nearest café. We had to walk on the way there because I didn't really want to go inside their car. Better safe than sorry.

"Would you like anything Ms. Kensington?" one of them asked when we were seated. The café was full of people, but with everything going on, it might as well be the three of us there.

"Please call me Mars. Ms. Kensington is a bit formal." The two merely blinked at me, looking as stoic as when they first introduced themselves. The women referred to themselves as Red and Blue, totally weird names that was the opposite of what they were wearing, black. If that was really their names. But I knew where they got it from. Their hair were dyed a shocking color, representing their names. "I don't think we came here to drink coffee," I said, getting down to business. I've always hated wasting my time. And besides, I wanted to get this over with so I could find shelter for the night.

The woman called Red seemed pleased with my statement. She glanced quickly at Blue before retrieving a suitcase. I've wondered about that while we were walking. It seemed to hold a special document. She placed the suitcase on the table and opened it after clicking the combination on the lock.

"What is this?" I asked as she handed me a folder.

"Why don't you take a look?"

Curious, I opened the brown folder and gazed at what lay inside. Nondisclosure Agreement, it said in fancy typeface. My eyes went to them. "Did I do something wrong?" I said, feeling unbalanced. When they didn't answer, I followed the question with, "Maybe I should talk to a lawyer first. I just turned 18. I don't want to be liable for anything."

"Relax Ms. Kensington," Blue said, placing her hands on the table. "The information we're going to tell you is not going to harm you in any way. The subject is a bit delicate that's all."

"And if I refuse to sign?"

Red smiled, showing perfect set of teeth. "Then you can go back to finding an apartment for the night."

My knuckles turned white. "And you know I left the house because?"

She leaned back on her seat. "Aside from those bags," her eyes drifted momentarily to my duffel, "We've also done some research about you. Overbearing Catholic parents. A sister who loves you so much. Just got out of high school with a high GPA. The list goes on and on Ms. Kensington." She smiled again. I just noticed that she looked like a panther, ready to sink her teeth on my neck. "You can either sign that NDA and turn your life around, or go back to your boring routine. Which is it?" She pushed the folder closer to me.

It felt like I was being backed to a corner. The two didn't appear threatening, but I also get that they were trying to intimidate me. I wasn't one to be intimidated. "If you're going to include me in a crime or syndicate, I can't promise to help you. I'll go straight to the cops."

Blue stifled a smile. "You have my word Ms. Kensington. Nothing of the sort will happen." She retrieved a pen from her blazer's inner pocket and handed it to me. "Now swallow the pill to learn the truth."

I glanced at the fancy pen. There was an insignia there. L.A for Los Angeles? Nah, it was probably the Lesbian Academy they were mentioning earlier. I took a peek at Red. She was staring expectantly at me. I had nothing more to lose if I signed this. I was at rock bottom. "You win," I muttered before putting my signature on the NDA.

Red looked relieved as I gave her the folder and the pen. She placed it carefully on the suitcase before closing the bag. "I understand that you have many questions Ms. Kensington." She stood up. "Let's talk about it in the car."

Lesbian Academy (Girlxgirl, Lesbian)Where stories live. Discover now