Chapter 63. Mayhem

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Chapter63. Mayhem

The wall was made of bricks and stones, and something else, precise and tall, intimidating. Spanning hundreds of feet long, you wouldn't know how wide and extensive it was unless you had a map. Anyone who would want to go inside the Academy would need to pass it, and it was on that very same wall that I placed my hands urgently, patting for an opening. The guards who could return at anytime was forgotten.

There were no cracks or indentations, only a solid surface. I pressed my ear on the hard exterior and knocked with my fist, on the lookout for hollow sounds. I did this for a whole minute before I stepped back and sighed. It could take me all day alone. One of our friends should have been here with me.

'They're all busy,' Alya's voice reminded in my head. It wasn't really her speaking in our thoughts, but me subconsciously seeking her at a time of need. Even after I've let go of her. I should erase the bad habit if I were to make it on my own. Placing my hands on the wall again, I began my search.

Up, down, and sideways. None of my techniques worked. I kicked the wall, thinking a secret compartment could give in and collapse. No such luck. What if, what if the chamber was on the very top and I had to jump? Then when I was about to crash on the ground, a portal would open to let me in? I raised my eyes to see the summit. It was too far up. Even if I managed to get there, a miscalculation would kill me. Why did I think about this nonsense in the first place?

The sun was no longer beating on my back. Time had passed long enough. If I didn't go inside soon, they'd catch me. Helplessness crept on my spine, making it hard to stand straight. Come on, Mars, now was not the time for that. I had to think fast on my feet. If I were the founders or Zophiel and the Jesters, would I leave the entrance to a hidden chamber just lying around?

The rush on my chest was overwhelming. Yes, I would. I'd put it them in the most obvious places. Right under people's nose. My legs jerked into a run. It could be there, but how would it open? I've went through it a dozen times, yet I've always ended were I should.

I thought about the first time we've discovered the chamber. It was nothing short of an accident. Red and I were heading back to our dorms that night. I leaned against a particular wall, and the rest was history. With thousands of students who have passed the same halls, I couldn't be the only one who has stumbled on it. Why did it open to me though? What made it different?

A smile spread on my lips as I reached the doors that would lead me to the other side of the wall. It had to be me. Zophiel and the Jesters programmed it like so. They didn't think anyone other than me or Alya should find the chambers, so the entrances would only respond to one of us. And the headmaster? Didn't I give her a clue about the chambers when I was still alive? All these years, she must have figured them out. That must be why she triggered the strangeness that lead to the discovery. Headmaster, you sly girl. She turned Lilith into a rabbit so I'd follow her. My girlfriend wouldn't like this.

Surer of what to do, I came to a full stop on the doors. This was it. "Give me access to the chambers," I commanded, maybe to myself, maybe to the ghost of Zophiel and the Jesters who planned this from the start. Pushing the doors open, I stepped not into the pathway of the Academy's airport, but the entrance to a hedge labyrinth.

I let the doors fall behind me, too mesmerized at what was in front to look behind. Hedges were on either side of me, going as tall as the sky which was a lovely blue color overhead. I knew that I was on a maze because the trail didn't extend as far as they eyes could see. It stopped meters from where I stood, with a choice to go left or right.

A gust of wind ruffled my hair. I turned to see an out of breath Blue Loire by the door, sweaty and pale, clutching her side. "Are you hurt?" I said, dashing to her worriedly. "Where are the others?"

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