Chapter 44. Desire

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Chapter44. Desire

The airport was bustling with tourists and vacationers coming home. Everyone had somewhere to go, places to see. Armed with their luggage, they hurried from terminal to terminal, eager to get out and start what they came here to do. If they were to stop and stare, they'd wonder why a tall grey haired woman and her wide eyed companion were just standing there, no destination in mind.

"What are we supposed to do here?" Lilith asked. She has woken ten minutes ago before we landed, and lines were still visible on her forehead because of the manner of how she slept. "Well? Aren't you going to answer me?" Though she was grumpier, I was itching to touch her tousled hair for reasons that I couldn't fathom. I glanced away.

"You should have stayed in the plane," I said. "This mission is not for you. Besides, I was told to go alone. You will compromise everything."

"Compromise my foot." She glided through the crowd ahead of me. "I'm hungry," she said over her shoulder when she sensed that I didn't follow. "I might do something drastic if you don't feed me." I hurried to catch up to her.

"I'm serious about this. You can go back to the plane if you want. There's no need to butt in my business."

She glared at me. "If you've told me what was going on when I asked a while ago, maybe I would have, but since you've been insistent on keeping the information to yourself, then good luck making me do what you want." She raised her chin adamantly. "There's no use putting a leash on a wolf. Even my parents have failed. I'd like to see you try."

Her reasoning reminded me of Alya. I'm tired of being a bird locked in a cage. I'm tired of living a lie. Did all of them feel that? Alya, El, even Lilith? They were given beauty, prestige, power, and everything they could have wanted, and yet. "You're not an animal," I said to Lilith. "I'd never think of holding you back." She blinked at me, surprised by what I said. "Tell you what. Why don't you wait on that bench in the corner while I get us something to eat?"

"You're not going escape, are you?" she said suspiciously. "I'll find you, Tarts. You know I always do." She was rather gifted at it, I would give her that much.

"I won't run. I'll be back with food." She didn't go after me.

My smile of satisfaction was gone when I was walking to the nearest fast food chain. What was I to do? The message sender told me specifically not to bring anyone, but just as Lilith said, she'd be able to track me if I slip away. Should I tell her that Dean J could possibly be in danger? Knowing Lilith, she'd want to rush ahead without a plan. Sometimes her temper got the best of her.

Lilith wasn't alone on the bench when I came back. I couldn't come up with anything, so I dutifully bought each of us a soda, fries, and burger instead. The plan would reveal itself when the situation arises. I hope. "Made a new friend?" I asked, putting the loot between us on the seat. "Who's the kid?"

"I'm her sister," said the small brunette with a toothy grin.

"No you're not," Lilith said quickly. "The Hart's have grey hair. Yours look like spaghetti noodles." She turned to me. "I don't know this brat."

I checked the airport for anyone who appeared like they lost a six year old daughter. No one was panicking in the vicinity. The guards were at their respective stations too. Whoever the child was with had purposefully told her to stay on the bench and wait. "What's your name?" I asked.

"Cynthia." She eyed the stuff I bought. "Are those fries? I can smell it. Can I have some?"


Lilith grabbed the paper bag and put it against her chest. "They're mine," she said. "Go get your own, brat."

"That's not nice," I said patiently, retrieving the bag. The smell of fries was strong when I opened it. "We can share."

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