Chapter 52. Toxic

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Chapter52. Toxic

As I walked the castle's hallway, a quote by the Greek philosopher, Socrates, came to mind; Beware the barrenness of a busy life. We had been discussing about him in class days ago, and though I was focused about my current dilemma's, I had enjoyed the exchange of ideas that were presented regarding the quote. For me, Socrates was saying that if one surrenders to the busyness of things without appreciation, it would all be senseless. And so I turned my face to the window, catching the rays of sunshine. My simple way of appreciation.

I began to notice things that I usually took for granted. There was the artistic arch of the medieval windows, as if the maker took great care and love into the project. There was no telling how old it was. The Academy could have had it replaced a year ago if they wanted. My footsteps would have echoed if it weren't for the maroon carpet on the floor. Another thing that I failed to appreciate in the months I've been staying here.

I could imagine what Bernadette would say if she heard my thoughts. "It sounds like you're ready to die." Then she'd chuckle and slap my back. My sister wasn't one to stop and smell the flowers. She wanted it fast and loud. Always getting herself into trouble. Always making snide comments when she couldn't get what she wanted. If she was in my shoes and she had met Lilith, not a day would go by when they wouldn't fight. I wonder how she would fare with Blue. They'd be complete opposites.

"There you are," Blue said, as if conjured by my thoughts of her. "I've been looking all over for you. You weren't in your room." She went to me with her sweet smile, stopping just beside the window I've been admiring. I didn't have to look outside to see the clouds when she was here. Her eyes were good substitutes. "Did I catch you at a bad time? You have that faraway gaze."

I snapped back to reality. "Not at all," I said. "What do you need me for?" Blue's focus turned to my neck before she answered. I touched the necklace consciously. "It's Jupiter's. I can't stand leaving it in my room."

"I see. . ." She dropped her gaze. One of the many things I liked about Blue was she knew when to step back when I was uncomfortable, unlike some people. Lilith would have pushed the subject. "I wanted to talk to you about Red's instructions," she said. "She wanted me to trace the email sent to you. It would help if you give me your password and all the information I need."

"Why don't you just hack it? I'm not saying you should, but you're capable." I looked carefully at her reaction. Blue could be dangerous if she wanted. What was stopping her? It wasn't suspicion that made me ask because I trusted her with my life. Simply put, if she was moral, I was inquisitive.

"It would be against my self-imposed code," she said. How predictable of her. "I have only three. Lend my gift to the world, be just to everyone regardless of stature, and—" The muscles on her throat bobbed up and down. "To marry you."

I took a moment to still my heart before replying to her. She had knocked the wind off my chest without touching me. "What does that have to do with your code?"

"Everything. Some people dream of having their names immortalized in history. Others want to get the money. I'm not wishing for much, Mars. All I want is your happiness and maybe a fraction of your heart. Everything I do is for that goal, hence I consider it a code of all code. But you're not ready for that. Maybe someday, but not today." She tilted her head. "Come to my room. I don't want to risk anyone hearing your password." I thought about Jade's ring in my pocket. I'd give it to her after.

Blue had a habit of waiting for me. Today, she was proving that she too could walk as fast as Red. I doubled my steps to keep pace with her. "You talk about being just, but the way you sprang up the topic about marriage and love out of nowhere made me think twice," I said. "Sometimes I'm confused if you're being predictable on purpose so you can surprise us when we least expect it, or you're naturally too good to be true."

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