Chapter 28. After

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Chapter 28.

It was cold. Way colder than I was used to. The strong blowing of the wind didn't help my situation. I wrapped my coat tightly around me to somehow stop the uncontrollable shiver and chattering of my teeth. Blue walked into the courtyard. It was dark, but I could see her thanks to the generous amount of stars visible in the night sky. She placed a scarf around my neck when she reached me. Blue had a lighter coat on, yet she didn't look as cold as I was.

"I told you to bring that," she scolded.

"It slipped my mind." I was reluctant as I asked, "What do you think happened to her?" We both knew who her was. Trish. Her death came sudden and unexpected. A small part of me couldn't believe it. How could something terrible happen to such a good person?

Blue stared into the distance. "I don't really know. Are you worried?" A small v appeared on her forehead.

"I'm sad for Trish and her family. And Candice too," I added as an afterthought. "She can be too full of herself sometimes, and her attitude borders on insanity, but I know that she was serious with Trish."

Blue didn't look convinced. "She was?"

"I think so. Let's take it at face value." I shivered again. The scarf and my jacket was not enough to fend off the wind. It could be warmer if there was more of us in the courtyard, but at the moment it was just Blue and me. Everyone else was inside. Blue pulled me down to the grass. "I don't really want to sit."

Her elbows touched mine. "It's easier to keep you warm this way." She cupped my cheek and I relaxed. Her skin was pleasantly hot. Like a thermos filled with coffee or soup. Her other hand went to my back for a rub. I gave off a contented sigh. I've forgotten what I came here to discuss. Whatever it was, it could wait.

Lilith stumbled in the courtyard not far from where Blue and I were sitting. She marched to our little spot when she spotted us. "What's happening with the investigation?" Blue asked.

"You think I care?" Lilith said. "I know as much as you do." She sank beside me. Lilith was as warm as Blue. Maybe hotter.

Blue was annoyed. "What do you think you're doing? The courtyard is big enough for more than a hundred people. Sit over there." She motioned to somewhere far.

Lilith didn't want to move away. She only scooted closer. Too close for comfort. Her legs were around me now. "I'm feeling cold too. And for your information this Academy doesn't belong to you. You don't have a right to instruct me what to do."

"The Academy doesn't, but Mars does." Blue's face darkened. "Go away."

"Make me." Lilith wrapped her arms around me and squeezed me to her. "Are you mad? She belongs to me now."

"What about what I want?" I protested. Lilith kept me locked in her grip. It wasn't suffocating. Only enough to let me stay put.

"I am what you want," Lilith said. "A fact you can't deny. All that stalking made you obvious Tarts." She snorted and turned to Blue. "If you like her as much as you said, I suggest you show it now while she can't move. The Academy won't last long. Not after what happened. This is the first death that was unrelated to the competition in centuries. Our security has been compromised. Sooner or later most parents will pull their kids out, leading to the downfall of the Academy."

I slacked against her. "That's not true right? Right Blue?" I stared at her hopefully. She'd contradict Lilith. She always had a rational answer for everything.

"I'm afraid she's right," Blue said. "If the Academy is really compromised, parents won't trust the safety of their children to the institution anymore. Almost a hundred percent of the students here are heiresses or heir to the throne for their country. Parents will not sacrifice their safety. I have to agree with Lilith on this one."

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