Chapter 39. Home

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Chapter 39. Home

As far as I was concerned, home has been the island where I was staying. Apart from that, there was no place I could go back to. No mother and father waiting for me with open arms. No single room where I could display posters of bands, or keep books on shelves except the dorm I shared with Jade. The Academy was home. If I weren't there, I'd be lost.

After hearing Dean J and the headmaster speak about me in such familiar terms, I locked myself in the room. Jade, ever the intuitive roomie, didn't question my sullen face and red-rimmed eyes. She let me be in my corner, suffering in silence like how my sister would usually call it. Days passed like this- me going to classes, ignoring the world, and keeping to myself in my room right after. It wasn't long till the others began approaching me about it.

"I'm busy," I said, hurrying away from Red and Candice. They trailed after me in the hallway, careful not to say anything. Students who were lounging around were looking at us with interest. I quickened my pace.

"Miss Kensington," Red said. She was catching up fast. I groaned when I saw the pathway I was taking. There would be a corner, and then a dead end. If I backtracked now, I would slam into them. If I continued walking, I'd have nowhere to go to. Damn it! This was Red's strategy wasn't it? I knew she had something in mind when she and Candice sidestepped me into this hallway.

"You're trapped," Candice murmured right behind me. "Surrender your virginity or—"

I swung around. "What do you guys want?" I asked.

Candice jerked backward. She didn't expect me turn so soon. We nearly collided. "Woah!" she said. "Missed you by an inch." I crossed my arms, telling her I had no time for her wisecracks today. She frowned. "Not in a good mood, eh Marsy? Red and I." She turned to her companion who was focused on me. "We were worried about you."

I snorted. "Really now? You hunting me every after classes have nothing to do with, oh I don't know, the Druids perhaps?"

"Shhhh!" Candice said, putting her fingers on her lips.

After making sure that no one was eavesdropping, Red said, "It is partly because of that, but we are concerned about you too. We are your friends after all. Are we not?" I didn't answer. "Something has been bothering you Miss Kensington. Is it El?"

"I knew you'd ask sooner or later," I said. "No, it doesn't have anything to do with my girlfriend. And I'm not in a speaking mood today, if you haven't noticed. Let's continue this talk some other time." Red grabbed my hand before I could escape.

"You do know right?" she murmured. "El and I. . . We've been together before. It didn't end well." Her eyes flashed. "That girl always have something on her mind. She doesn't do things for free. There's always a motive behind it. I'm just looking out for you."

"Oh really?" I asked. "What did she take that you weren't willing to give in the first place?"

Red's nostril flared. Candice stepped between us. "Stop this," she said. "While you two look really hot right now with all that temper flowing, I don't want to see a fight." She clicked her tongue. "Let me explain Mars. Red told me that El just used her for military connections."

I moved away from them. "I'm glad that you and Red are being cozy, but I'd rather you solve your issues together first before you overstep on mine."

Candice cocked an eyebrow. "What do you mean?" she asked.

"Don't you dare," Red warned.

I smiled smugly. "Then leave me be," I said. "I have my own problems to think about. I have no time for your relationship dilemmas, solving things that doesn't make sense, and defending this Academy from weird cults." They parted to give me room to walk.

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