Chapter 20. Adventure

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Chapter 20.

We all have secrets. Some of it could be as mundane as hiding a chocolate bar from your wife because she disapproves of your sweet tooth. It could also be for confidential reasons. Concealing the password to your computer for example. Or locking a file for company use. Whatever it was, there were reasons for keeping secrets.

It could be used to save oneself, like a child hiding the broken pieces of a vase to avoid getting scolded by his parents. At other times, a secret was made to protect or destroy other people. Those kinds of secrets were the most dangerous ones. The harbinger of doom as one might say. Which was why it should always be kept like that. A secret.

"Ms. Kensington, are you alright?"

"I'm fine," I called back to Red. "The booty hurts but everything is in one piece. I hope." I dusted myself off before observing my surroundings. It appears that I've stumbled upon a long tunnel. A glowing one mind you. The floors were illuminated with fine dust. It was like standing on the galaxy. "I don't know how to describe this place." I made my voice loud and clear so Red could hear me.

"That's not a problem," she said behind me. "I'm here."

I made a pivot. "How did you get in?"

She glanced around while explaining. "The wall swivels. It's the entrance to a hidden chamber apparently. Or tunnel." Red frowned. "But I'm quite sure that it shouldn't have done that. I remember vaguely that two students were fighting around these parts of the Middle House last year. I was a freshman that time. One of the girls pushed the other to the same wall where we entered, yet it didn't budge like it did today."

"That is weird. We must have done something to trigger it."

"I agree. I completely do."

Red and I quickly looked behind to see who has spoken. "Candice?" I asked.

She stepped forward. "I'd prefer if you call me your servant. You own me baby. Right from the start." She turned to Red and gasped. "Who do we have here? The popular Red Ritter? Sexy fox and war weapons maker extraordinaire." Candice whistled wolfishly. "Wowza!"

Red stared her straight in the eyes. "I can kill you in a hundred different ways right now and dump your body in the sewers without anyone ever finding out. Do not ever repeat the things you said. Understand?" Candice nodded and zipped her lips.

"What are you doing here?" I said. "How did you find us?"

"That's an interesting question," Candice said. "Look, everything was fine right? I was sleeping in harmony right?" Her forehead wrinkled. "Then everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked."

Red's bracelets glowed a fiery magma color. In a second she was holding a futuristic looking rifle which she pointed at Candice. "I hate nonsense," Red said. "Furthermore, is this some sort of joke from you and the other students? Did you make this chamber to do illegal things inside the academy? Speak."

"Damn, you're sexy," Candice said. She produced a handkerchief from her pajama's pocket and wiped her brow. "But there's no need to be violent. I didn't do anything bad. People these days. Geez."

"Nice pajama," I said to her. "But who carries a hanky when they sleep? You're acting suspicious." I crossed my arms in front of me. "I agree with Red. Is this your hideout for illegal activity?" Knowing her, it was probably used for pranks more than illicit things.

Candice smiled mischievously. "There's a perfectly good reason why I carry hanky's Mars."

"Such as?"

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