Chapter 40. Mystery

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Chapter 40. Mystery

Humans, no matter who they were, enjoys a good mystery. Mystery was what triggered scientists to create solutions. Mystery of the unknown prompted explorers to pack their bags and go to a far away land, knowing they might never return. The mystery behind a lover's eye was what kept you coming back for more.

If there was such a mystery that nagged at me, it was my own life. It occupied my mind 24/7, making me unable to address the other things that has been going on around me. El and I took all the tapes that my parents have provided. It was in my room, when Jade was gone with her other friends, that I watched those videos, hoping to find something that could answer my questions.

"You were such a cute kid," El murmured softly against my ear. "I wish we've known each other earlier. But then again, I wouldn't be allowed to snuggle with you like this if that was the case."

"Stop teasing me," I said, never taking my eyes off the screen. "I can't concentrate." I watched carefully as the seven year old me grinned widely to the camera that either mom or dad was holding. It was my birthday party, and friends from the past were gathered around to sing me the song so I could blow the cake.

"You've watched the tapes repeatedly for the last few days. Haven't found anything that can help yet?" El asked.

"Nope." I frowned.

El pointed to the screen. "Isn't that Bernadette?" she said. "Your sister looks like she has eaten enough sweets for the day." True enough, the toddler version of Bern was running around the backyard, trying to pull the pants of the other kids. I smiled at the memory. She has always been a handful. El chuckled. "Oh, I like this scene," she said. Bern was jumping up and down, trying to grab the camera from our parent.

The evening bell sounded loudly, alerting us that it was six in the evening. I paused the video and glanced at El over my shoulder. "Time for dinner," she said. "Come on."

"Go ahead. I'll catch up with you later. I want to finish everything before midnight."

Her forehead creased. "Stop skipping dinners Mars. It's unhealthy." She looked distastefully at my arms and shook her head. "You've lost weight. We can't have any more of this. I know you're trying to uncover something about yourself, but I'm putting my foot down for once."

"But I really need to-"

I yelped in surprise as she jumped off the bed and carried me over her shoulder. "Whatever Kensington. I'm dragging you to the dining hall." She wore her shoes, albeit with difficulty, and stepped out of the door. El was just cheekily slapping my bum when Blue decided to appear.

"Let me down," I said to El.

She tightened her grip on my legs and ignored my suggestion. "Why hello there Loire," El greeted. "Fancy seeing you on the other side of the fence. Bet you're expecting to see Mars alone." I stared uselessly at the floor, getting dizzy.

"Yes I was," Blue answered politely. "Didn't expect that she's with the she-wolf though." Blue's eyes trained on me. My face got hotter the longer she stared. "See you later Mars," she said directly to me. "Hopefully by then, you're not surrounded by predators." Blue went ahead without a glance back.

El laughed to herself. "That one is so jealous that she's turning blue."

"Can you just put me down? I'm getting nauseous in this position."

"Sorry." She grunted as she carefully set me on my feet. "Now then," she said, offering her hand.

The dining hall was its usual crowded self when we got there, full of overexcited students, talking about anything under the sun. I've skipped dinner over the days, and breakfast was usually eaten with El before classes. It was strange to be there again, under the scrutiny of majority of the student body. "Don't mind them," El said, finding us a free spot. "They're like Blue. They're jealous because you're with me."

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