Chapter 12. Admission

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Chapter 12.

Humans were the result of billions of years of evolution. Though our reasoning were flawed, it would still remain that we would be the perfected version of our ancestors. We would always be stronger, faster, and more intelligent than before. The saying; the human body could withstand almost everything was conceptualized because of that. It was the mind that you would need to convince.

But what about the heart? Though it was, and forever would be a part of the body, it feels separately. As I lay on the floor of the abandoned building, recently awoken from my horrible experience, I discovered that the heart was in another plane altogether. My body was bruised but intact. My mind was fully functional. Yet my heart bled, like a bullet pierced me.

It continued to ache as I pushed myself up. It pulsated angrily while I hobbled to find a payphone to call my sister. The gasoline station was where I found one. Bern didn't hesitate to pick me up after hearing my voice. I sat on the curb for an hour, waiting for her. Meanwhile I used the time to gather my thoughts. To convince my heart that everything was going to be alright, until the pain became a dull pinch.

I only looked up when a blue Jeep Cherokee stopped on the street. Bern jumped from the open door. She ran to me. "Are you okay? You look like someone gave you a good spanking." She inspected my face and gasped. "Oh man, there's a bruise on your temple."

I made a face. "It's not as awful as it looks." The Jeep opened from the driver's side. Black boots. Slim jeans. Grey wool jacket. That strange color of hair. "I was wondering who the car belonged to," I said as Blue made her way to me. "How did you end up together?"

She didn't answer my question. Blue pressed me to her chest like we weren't out in public. It left me immobile. "You look awful. What happened?" she asked. I wanted to bolt from her. It was embarrassing to be hugged like that, and in front of my sister too. Yet for all my hesitations, Blue's arms wrapped around me gave solace. The pang in my heart subsided a little.

"It was my fault," I muttered under my breath. "I saw Alya in the airport and asked her to come with me."

"Miss Hazel eyes?" Bern said.

"Yeah." I pushed Blue from me. "Thanks, I'm good now." She nodded and sat beside me on the curb. Bern did the same on my other side. From the way they both stared at me, they wanted to hear the whole story. "We ran away from her guards and ended here," I explained. To cut the long story short, they found us, taught me a lesson, and took her away."

The muscles in Blue's face tightened. "They hurt you." There was venom in her voice that made me look at her in surprise. I've never heard her like that before. "I will do something about this." I thought she was stuffing her hands in her pocket, but she whipped a phone instead. I snatched it from her, leaving her with a puzzled expression.

"I don't want you to do anything."


"It's enough that you're here."

She inhaled a deep breath and blew out slowly. "The idiots that did this to you should be fired." She turned to my sister. "What do you think?"

Bern licked her lips, deep in thought. "We're talking about Mars." What did that mean? "Mars would rather suffer in silence than have her precious Miss Hazel eyes get in trouble for running away. Am I right, or are you wrong?" She sneered.

I feigned a smile. "I love you, but sometimes you're a jerk. You know that right?" She wasn't guilty at all. "I've been meaning to ask. Why are you and Blue together?"

Her smile was cocky. "We were having a date when you conveniently interrupted us." A snort from Blue to my left. "You're no fun at all," Bern said as she rolled her eyes at Blue. "Okay, I called her right after you said to pick you up. I couldn't exactly drive the loony couple's car." I stared quizzically at her. "Mom and dad," she supplied. "I lost my permit. The next best thing was to contact your suitor."

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