Chapter 8. Lost

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Chapter 8.

News travels fast when you are on an island. Though Lesbian Academy was populated by some of the greatest minds in the world, gossip couldn't be avoided. The saying, great minds discuss about ideas and not people could only go so far in life. The reality was even intelligent people got bored. And when they had nothing to do in those long hours after classes, they revert to what humans did best. Talk.

For that reason, my experience in the class was known fast. Not only did they hear about the puking incident, they were also curious about me. Who was this new recruit who dared talk to the princess of the academy? Why didn't Lilith like her? How did she get Blue and Red to talk to her when people would do anything for that? And lastly, did she have the guts to join the competition for the lamp?

"Please, please join," Jade begged. She opened her palm, willing the computer to appear. "Look at this Mars." She pointed to her screen. There was a registration page where the participants would have to sign up for the contest. "In a single click you'll be able to join. Based on what you told me, you need money to continue studying here. This is the solution."

I sighed. "It's not that simple. Have you seen what happened to me and Lilith in the VR? If the contest is as dangerous as they said, I don't want to be a part of it."

"Then how are you planning to get the money? You have to be a millionaire to be here." She scrolled on her screen. "I'd gladly lend you some cash, but my parents have all the control to my account." She rolled her eyes. "They said I shop too much. I won't have access to my bank until I'm twenty one."

"They were right to do that. You do shop too much." I tossed a pillow to her. She ducked. The pillow hit the trophy head, causing it to crash on Jade. She wasn't able to avoid that one.


"Case in point just proven." I smirked.

She rubbed her right arm where the trophy head fell on. "Don't change the subject."

The door opened. "What subject?" Candice said as she entered the room. Her eyes widened when she closed the door. "What the heck happened here? It looks like I've entered a hunting ground." Her eyes landed on Jade's bed. "Is that a deer head? What have you been doing here?" She went to my side of the room, sitting on my bed.

"Jade has been redecorating. She's tired of the whole oriental thing and wanted to go wild." I glanced pointedly at my newest best friend. "See what I told you about the shopping thing?"

Jade shrugged. "That's my quirk. Get off my behind."

Candice glanced at me. "Speaking of buttocks. Did you consider my offer Mars?"

"What offer?"

"You know." She pointed to me and her. "We're going to be a couple. The power couple." She wrote quotation marks with her fingers. "Then you can get on my behind all you want."

I ignored her and turned to Jade. "I found a solution to my tuition fee problems. The academy is probably in need of janitors. I'll ask the headmaster to make me one in exchange for the stay here. If that spot is unavailable, I'll be a cook, a dishwasher, whatever they want from me for whatever years it takes."

Jade shook her head. "That will never happen. The academy prohibits the students to work. Well except for the actresses and famous people here that is."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"There are writers,scientist, musicians, singers, and actresses our age who study here. They release their work when they want and make guest appearances on TV, plus interviews when we have a vacation so it won't interfere with their studies. Other than that, I doubt that the headmistress will allow any type of work to be done. The lamp is your only solution."

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