Chapter 47. Change of Heart

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Chapter47. Change of Heart

We were strangers. No, I stand corrected. You give a stranger a smile or two, or sometimes even offered a hand. Lilith couldn't stand looking at me. I was nonexistent in her book. A fly on the wall. But then, slowly, as if by some miracle, the iron-willed girl started to notice me. Her cruel eyes were no longer avoiding mine. Her lips started mentioning my name. She acknowledged me, told me stories that she wouldn't otherwise share to other people. I was no longer a stranger, and I didn't want to go back to that point where I was insignificant to her. My heart couldn't bear it.

Melissa and Bernadette didn't know what was going on. They couldn't see the tremble in my lips or how I was suffocating in the backroom. The animals sensed it though. The noise they were making a while ago has dulled to whines and subtle scratching. Blue was starting to see the situation for what it really was. She was shamefaced when she said, " I thought you were in danger." I had to give her points for that. All she ever cared for was my well-being. "She hasn't made it far. The street is crawling with her bodyguards. You can still catch her."

I couldn't stand looking at Blue. Not when I knew she liked me that way and I was running to the competition. After hearing Lilith say what she said, everyone knew about my complicated romantic life, if there was one, including Melissa and Bernadette who were gaping at me. "Please call Red and Candice and ask if they can come here," I said to Blue. "Take Bernadette home."

"Wait a minute," my sister said. "Don't I get a say in this? Blue told me you were missing. I need an explanation on why she assumed that and why you're on the floor at the back of a pet shelter, hugging a crying girl. Is she your girlfriend?"

"I don't know."

The streets weren't crawling with the Hart's guards anymore. I didn't see any of them on my way to find Lilith. I thought they'd be lurking nearby, asking people her whereabouts. She was with six of them when I rounded the corner. They have spotted her already, or maybe she came to them voluntarily. Whatever it was, I caught up to them to say my piece.

The guards on either side of Lilith came closer to her as if perceiving me as a threat. I was with her this morning. They expected me to have a change of heart that easily? "You're mad," I said to Lilith, or to her guards who blocked her away from view. "I get it. Blue had the worst timing in history, and I should have said more things to make her understand. If I'm someone you want to keep around to make your bed warm at night, I get that too. With my background, I'm not exactly the type you'd want to boast to your friends."

Lilith's bodyguards stared at her curiously, as if this were new to them. It was new to me too. I was no rambling mess. It wasn't a good day for me. "Think what you want," I went on. "But don't push me away. I can't do this alone. You can't operate by yourself anymore. Jupiter and Zophiel, and all those girls. They need us."

For the longest time, Lilith didn't speak. One too many cars passed by us. The people who walked by stopped and stared. Why wouldn't they? A girl surrounded with suited bodyguards would make anyone wonder if she was someone important or rich. In this case, Lilith was both. When she gave the order, she didn't say it to me directly but to the woman standing closest to her. "Tell mother that I'm going aboard the ship," she said. "I have people coming with me. Prepare the rooms."

The Hart's cruise ship was still docked when we got there. It has been undergoing routine maintenance for two days, and was set to leave in 24 hours. Regardless, passengers were boarding left and right. I could see why Lilith and the Harts loved being on cruise. The salty air cleared my head. It made me think of adventures, footprints on the sand, and hidden treasures. The sound the seagulls made and the lapping of the gentle wave against the boat were music to my ears. The blue sky and chilly wind could make up for the lack of buildings.

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