Chapter 31. Two Face

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Chapter 31. Two Face

The worst kind of betrayal didn't come from your enemies or strangers. Those people were easy to let go of, if not insignificant. You could either brush them off or forget they even existed. No, the saddest kind of betrayal could only come from someone you trust. Someone you wouldn't expect in a million years to stab you in the back.

Feeling betrayed leaves you vulnerable and second guessing everyone around you. Like a wounded dog, you limp to the corner avoiding contact with certain people, at first to heal your wound, but eventually for fear of being hurt again. But thinking that betrayal was only negative would be foolish. Though it could bring pain as it initially hits, the second wave brings freedom. For what could be more liberating than knowing someone's true nature?

As it goes, I've been avoiding Alya, El, and Blue for days. If you could call cowering in the nearest bushes when I sensed that they would pass by as a form of avoidance. I was disappointed and hurt. But more than that I felt confused. I've always known that El wasn't someone I could easily trust. Yet betraying her sister was the lowest kind of low. And Alya? I didn't know how to begin explaining the damage she has done. Blue in the meantime. . .

"Mars," Blue said as she tried to catch up. We have been playing the 'catch me if you can' game since I found Alya and El kissing in the woods. The game would start as soon as I spotted Blue anywhere in the island. I'd run. She'd run after me. I'd win. I couldn't talk to Blue right now. Not while I was still feeling the bitterness in my chest. It was an ingredient for disaster.

I shouldn't have tried to visit Red in her room, knowing full well the risk of seeing Blue there. I stared at the corridor where I was running. The students who were talking about their homework and scientific projects they were working on ignored me, but those who were gossiping stared at us while we played the game.

"Why is Blue running after her?" I caught one student asking as I passed.

"I don't know. I heard they're a thing."

What did that mean? I thought as I rounded the corner and saw the big doors that would lead me out of the Middle House. Yes! Only a few steps more and I could seek the solace of the woods. I gulped some air into my lungs. My legs were surprisingly as strong as when I started running minutes ago. Maybe all that training for the competition was paying off.

"Would you please just stop and listen to me?" Blue said from behind. She sounded nearer than I predicted. I didn't dare look back. "I'm sorry Mars." She didn't sound strained or tired. Damn, I wish she'd give up for once.

"I'm not in the mood Loire," I said as I broke into the courtyard. The sun blinded me momentarily, and I had to cover my eyes. I didn't see where I was going. A rock that wasn't supposed to be there collided with my foot. Or was it the other way around? I slipped and rolled to the ground. Damn it. Now she was going to catch up with me.

"Why are you always falling for me Tarts?" Lilith asked. I shook my dizziness away and blinked up at Lilith. She glanced at distaste at me before her gaze went to my knees. "Such a klutz." I winced when I saw what she was referring to. My left knee got scraped.

"Are you okay?" Blue said as she ran to us. I groaned. I've forgotten about her. This was bad. If she sees my knee, she'd insist on taking me to the clinic, and then there would be no escape for me. I couldn't talk to her before I was able to calm myself enough. My sister always told me that I tend to speak my mind, especially when I was upset. Blue would receive a mouthful from me. No way.

I stared desperately at Lilith. "What?" she said arrogantly.

"I don't want to talk to Blue. Don't ask," I mouthed hurriedly. "Help me get away from her and I'll tell you a secret."

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