Chapter 58. Hush

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Chapter58. Hush

My shared room with Jade was cold when I came in. Though the windows were closed, there was a chill in the air that I couldn't shake off. The beds had been undisturbed, their mattress taut and pristine. Everything was how it should be, but it felt like I didn't belong here anymore after sleeping in so many other places while I was recovering from the poison. My own bedroom had become both familiar and foreign, like what I imagined it would feel like if I were to go back to my old high school at this stage in my life. Though I had every corner memorized that I could walk it while blindfolded, it wouldn't feel the same. The layout didn't change. I did.

"Explain this to me one more time," I recalled Red saying while we were waiting outside the infirmary. Blue and Lilith had been taken there with the help of the other students after their duel, and we were instructed by the nurses to standby. Seated on the comfy navy blue couch, I recounted everything that happened while I was away to Red, with a few minor exclusions. Namely, Alya's own reincarnation, and my romance with Lilith. Those weren't my stories to tell. "You've been brought back to life by Jupiter," Red said, in deep thought. "This not only defies the law of nature. It also means you're superhuman."

"I'm not," I said with a firm shake of my head. "That's the problem. I remember who I was, and some information that came with my past, but I don't actually know what to do with it. I'm not her. We don't share the same genius mind. I can't get the cure to cancer or perform scientific miracles like she. . . I meant I. . . Give me a second here, I'm lost with the pronouns." My mind whirred like a machine in need of more oil. How could I explain this to Red without the confusion if even I didn't understand it that well? I did speak to Alya on my mind. It said that I shared at least some of my past self's genius.

"Your situation is unique," Red consoled. "It had never occurred or been studied before, so it's only natural that everything you're experiencing at this moment is in the experimental phase." Like I was some sort of freak, huh? I knew what she meant. I had to accept that about me. "For example," she continued, "You might not have the same overdeveloped brain as your past counterpart. You might react differently because technically you were raised in this lifetime by different parents. This is all hypothesis. Are you sure you don't want to divulge this information to anyone? A reputable scientist from this Academy can help you."

I left the sofa, too upset to stay still. And what was taking the nurses so long? If it weren't because of Red, I'd have busted the door to the infirmary open to see how Blue and Lilith were doing. I glanced back to Red to calm myself. "Jupiter was a reputable scientist, and look how that turned out," I said. "I'm not telling this to anyone until my mother is rescued, and neither should you. I'm in enough trouble as it is. I don't want to drag anyone else in this crazy plot I call my life."

"You didn't use to talk like that," Red said. "I'm proud that you're taking things into your own hands. That's the first step to being a woman." She looked impressed. "Your past life aside, what are you planning to do with Jade?"

"Candice is onto that. Remember, we need to let her explain first." I didn't want anyone condemning Jade without knowing the full truth, which was why I waited to recover before coming clean about the situation. I wanted to be the first to know why she was in possession of such a thing, and since Candice said that the ring previously belonged to Trish, there was that question to ask too.

Red and I turned to the infirmary as the door swung open. The nurse who told us to wait outside looked much relaxed than when we came here, bringing Lilith and Blue. My clothes were just beginning to dry too. A souvenir from carrying a nearly drowned Lilith singlehandedly, with her own clothes dripping when she was pressed to me. I didn't want to let go of her while she was defenseless like that. She'd be mortified if she found out that anyone had touched her apart from me. "How are they?" I asked worriedly. Trying to keep my cool like Red was harder than I thought.

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