Chapter 21. Secrets

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Chapter 21

Do you want to know a secret? Something dark. Something deep. Something life changing? It would hold you. Ensnare you. Keep you awake at night. Ready? Here's the thing. There is no secret. It was always there. You were just not paying attention.

The wall parted to reveal another chamber. It was big enough to fit fifty people and had nothing but symbols and numbers on the walls and ceiling. Equations that I couldn't understand. I glanced at my two companions and saw that like me, they were also astounded by the weird writings.

"Cool," Candice murmured. Her eyes traveled the span of the room.

"Do you know what it means?" I asked Red. She too was busy checking out the symbols.

"No idea," she said truthfully. "I've never seen anything like it before."

Candice snapped her fingers. "I know!" she said, a grin beginning to spread on her face. Red and I glanced at her expectantly. "It's the mathematics of love. What do you say girls? Let's solve it together. I won't blame you if you fall for me after." She looked smugly at us. "I mean, I am quite a catch."

"Do not provoke me to use force on you," Red warned. "I've had it with your nonsense."

Candice didn't look threatened. "Ooooh feisty. Me gusta."

"Both of you need to chill," I said. These two couldn't have been more different from each other. But we were nearly at the end of our journey, and we needed to figure this out together to escape. I had to intervene. "You," I said to Candice. "Go to that corner and check the walls. There might be a secret passage leading outside." I turned to Red. "While she's doing that, let's look at the equation. Maybe something will come up."

"Good call," Red agreed. We went to the wall on the right and concentrated there. "See this?" she said after a moment of silence. Red gestured to the formula etched on the wall. "It doesn't make sense. None of it does. I've crossed checked everything with the information I've learned from books and classes. I even converted the symbols using the ones in the periodic table, but it doesn't work."

"Nerd," Candice said across the room. "A sexy one at that." Red pretended not to hear her.

"What you're saying is you haven't studied these things yet?" I asked carefully.

She shook her head. "No. The answer should be, there is no answer. Whoever made these are on a whole new level altogether. They didn't want anyone to decipher the writings." She sighed. "I guess the only way to get out is to whip out the guns and hope its power is strong enough to destroy the walls." Red patted my back. "I'll be the one to take the blame. The Headmaster will just have to find a way to punish me."

Candice jogged to us. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but did I hear the words whip and punish in one sentence? Oh please, take me." Red glared at her.

"If someone is going to be punished, it should be me," I said. "I'm the one who got us in this mess. None of you will be here if I didn't stumble here, so I'll take the blame Red."

"Now wait a minute Miss Kensington. I am your senior. By default, the burden should be on me."

"Notice me senpai!" Candice said. This time I joined Red when she turned to stare daggers at our companion. "I was kidding you know," Candice said in defense. "And no offense Mars, but you're poor."

My face heated. "I don't see what it has to do with anything."

She waved her hands. "No, no, no. You have it wrong. That's why I said no offense in the first place. Because I didn't mean it like that." Candice cleared her throat nervously. "What I wanted to say was if you take the blame, you might get expelled because your family is not as influential as ours. Get it?" My stomach sank to the ground. She had a point.

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