10. 𝒜 𝒲𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓁𝑒𝓈𝓈 𝐵𝒾𝓇𝒹

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Time passes differently in the maze. If it wasn't for the wall, Viya would've had no clue on how much time had passed. Even with marking each day, she still didn't comprehend the amount of time that had passed. Time was something that was in the back of her mind.

Most days blend together, and sometimes she isn't even sure if she marked the day down at all. Viya found that if she stuck to her routines she'd usually stay regulated, so that's what she did.

She'd eat one portion of food, then she'd go out running. She'd run in one direction before lunch. She'd go eat, then chart the other direction.

On days that she went farther out, she'd pack a lunch and keep running. Some nights she'd get back late, but she found that she never ran into any grievers if she was careful, besides, once the doors closed that was her sign to get back. On average, she had about an hour after the doors closed before the grievers would come out, but the odd time they'd emerge earlier than that.

The one con about getting back late, is she couldn't update her map without light. Even in the daytime it was often hard to see, but at night it was nearly impossible.

Viya paused as she exited her room after lunch.

"Did I get the supplies yesterday?" She asked herself. She paused to think for a moment. "...I must have"

Viya starts to walk. "Yeah, I had too because I got a blanket yesterday..." Her voice trailed off. "It was nice and warm." She noted.

Viya headed out once again, she was going closer to the doors, but she didn't dare go past them. She couldn't bare to see the glade again, even if it meant not being able to chart that area.

As she ran through the maze her mind was empty, as if it was on autopilot.

She didn't take note of the repetitive sections as she ran by, they were the same ones she passed everyday.

Until she saw something in one of the dead end corridors.

She continued running, trying to ignore it. She wasn't sure what 'it' was, but she kept trying to convince herself it was nothing.

But curiosity got the better of her, and she cautiously backed up until she was in the hallway where she saw the thing.

She wasn't sure if she was going to be able to find it at first, but it was still there, and it was obvious what it was.

There, tangled in the vines, was a young boy. He was hanging limply, and his one leg was twisted backwards in an unnatural way.

Viya didn't know what to do, did she help him? She should, she knew that. But the way the boy was positioned, it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out he had done it on purpose.

Viya stepped forwards, was he dead?

Before she knew it, Viya was standing under the blond boy, and she could see his chest moving up and down.

Viya thought she could recognize him, but no name came to mind. He looked like one of the boys she had seen in the maze a couple of...she wasn't sure how long ago.

He was a good seven feet in the air, and Viya knew she'd have to climb up to get him down. As much as she'd like to go back to her room and forget about him, she knew that no one would find him out here, and maybe that was a part of his plan.

Viya tugged on a vine, and luckily it held. She carefully started to scale the wall until she was level with the limp boy, she listened for his breathing, and it was soft, but there.

She carefully lifted him off of the vines, and slowly lowered herself and him to the ground.

As her feet hit the ground, she looked down at the boy to see his eyes just slightly opened, he let out a soft groan, and Viya wanted to comfort him, but she had no clue what to say.

Luckily, he closed his eyes again.

Viya went to pick him up but paused.

"Where do I take him?" She muttered. "Close to the doors...but I don't want to get too close."

Viya mapped out the maze in her mind, eventually settling on a corridor to leave him in.

She picked up the broken boy and carried him away.

She arrived at her destination soon enough, and she gently laid the boy down on the ground. His blond hair fell back as he laid on the cold stone floor. And if she didn't know any better, she'd say that he was sleeping.

Suddenly, Viya heard footsteps approaching, as much as she'd like to stay with the boy, she knew she couldn't stay there. She quickly scurried away, darting behind the closest corner. She didn't watch who was coming, instead she buried herself in the ivy until the maze fell silent.


Minho walked swiftly through the maze, Newt was slumped over his shoulder. He had found the unconscious boy laying on the maze floor, and the only thing he could think of was shame.

Minho and Newt had only just started to be running buddies, and he had noticed the change in Newt's behavior, but he had assumed the boy had just wanted space.

He could've never imagined that he'd do this.

Minho soon reached the Glade, and he yelled out for help. Boys quickly rushed over at the sound of Minho's panicked voice. Minho never raised his voice, it was something he could never do. He didn't understand why he couldn't bring himself to yell, but one of his swiped memories must've held the answer.

Newt was quickly carried off.

"What happened?" Boys asked him frantically.

"I..." Minho stopped. "I don't know," He lied.

Minho did know what happened, there was only one answer, but he couldn't bring himself to tell the others.

When Minho had seen the ivy wrapped around Newt's arms and legs, he quickly connected the dots. But without the ivy on Newt, no one would know what had happened, unless Newt told them himself.

The crowd went to ask more questions, but Minho ignored them as he headed to the med-shack.

He practically burst down the door when he entered, and he looked around for a moment.

Minho hadn't been in the med-hut since Viya had been in here, he couldn't bring himself to come back. It was the last place he saw her.

Minho pushed his feelings down, he needed to be there for Newt, he'd just have to forget Viya. She wasn't coming back.

"Is it bad?" Minho asked.

"His leg's definitely broken."

"Is he stung?" Jax blurted out.


"Good." Jax said in an odd tone

Minho's eyes narrowed as he looked at the leader, what did he mean by that?

Minho pushed it away as he looked back to Newt, the boy laid on the same table Viya had.

Minho told himself that he'd forget Viya. He could get over it.

But he would never.

He'd never get over the fact that if he would've done one thing different she could still be here.

If only Minho was able to carry Viya like he did with Newt. Truthfully, ever since Viya was banished he had been training himself, so if anyone else ever got stung he'd be able to carry them.

And he wouldn't fail them like he had failed Viya.

It should've been him to get stung, not her.

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