66. 𝒲𝑜𝓁𝓋𝑒𝓈.

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Viya watched as Gallys head disappeared through the hole that led towards the city, he closed the hatch behind him, leaving Viya alone with the wolves.

Viya turned around to face the crowd, "You guys hungry?"

The crowd looked around before they slowly nodded their heads.

Viya nodded as she motioned for them to follow her. She walked calmly through the camp, feeling the curious stares coming from behind. She reached the lounge soon enough and quickly darted into the small kitchen.

There wasn't much in the fridge, barely any leftovers and not enough ingredients to make anything even if she knew how to cook. She settled on bringing out various snacks, jerky, dried fruits, granola, the whole works.

She set the food down on the small coffee table in the middle of the room, "Go ahead and take anything you'd like."

She could sense the gladers' hesitance and hostility, they had no reason to trust her, and she had no reason to trust them. Yet somehow, they remained civil.

Slowly the gladers began to sit down on the mix matched chairs and began to pick at the food, a long silence followed.

"How long until they get back?" Brenda asked.

"It'll be a while. Missions take a while, especially with newbies." Viya answered.

Viya walked over to the storage closet and pulled out a few pillows.
"Get comfy." She tossed the blankets towards the group.

The gladers soon began to converse among themselves, Viya rested on the door frame, her head resting on the oak.

"So, be honest with me, will those kids be safe?" Jorge asked as he approached Viya.

"They're with Gally, they'll be fine, well as long as they don't do anything stupid."
Jorge chuckled, "That's a big thing to ask of them."

The room grew quieter as the gladers listened in on their conversation.

"I'm sure there's something better for you, why are you sticking with us?" Jorge asked.

"Lawrence told me to keep an eye on you. I'm just doing what I'm told." Viya said semi-aggressively, she was slightly offended by Jorges question.

"What's the deal with that guy anyways?" Jeff asked loudly.

Viya tilted her head to the side as she took a step forwards, "What do you mean?"
"He seems so...creepy."
Viyas eyes narrowed, "Tread lightly." She warned.

Jeff threw his hands up defensively, "But why is he in charge? Surely there has to be someone else more qualified."

"Why don't I take you to him and show you why he's in charge."
"Hey, let's cool it." Brenda said as she looked at Jeff, "Viya has been very good to us."
Nash scoffed.

"How'd you end up here anyways? Last time I saw you we were in the mountains." Frypan asked genuinely.

"Lawrences guys picked me up."
"There's definitely more to that story." Jeff muttered.

Viya sighed, "You want the full story?"


She rolled her eyes, "WCKD found me in the mountains, captured me, kept be in their lab for a couple months, then they decided to transfer me. Lawrences guys took over the van and decided to keep me." She said with a shrug.

"You say that so casually." Brenda commented.

"But why did you decide to stay? Surely there has to be something safer around here." Frypan commented.

"Lawrence has goals. Goals I agree with."

"I guess that's fair." Jeff muttered.

"So, when will they be back?" Nash asked.

"Ah we got a couple hours, get cozy."

Gally stumbled into the room at dawn, Newt and Thomas trailed behind them. Viya hadn't dared to sleep, even if she was civil with the gladers, that didn't mean she trusted them. The others had already fallen asleep long ago, Newt almost immediately went towards Nash, shaking him awake to ask if he was okay.

"How'd it go?" Viya asked Gally.

"It was fine, we had a little trouble in the train tunnel, but other than that it was fine."

Viya nodded, "But how are you?" She asked quietly.

"I'm fine. It's all fine." Gally answered.

Viya looked back at Nash and Newt, "Have they always been like that?" She asked. The pair was sitting leg to leg, Newt's hand rested on Nash's.
Gally glanced at the pair, "No, that's new."

Viya shrugged, "Why don't you go talk to Lawrence?" She suggested.

"I will, you get to bed though, I'll send someone else up to watch these guys."
Viya nodded as she walked out.

She didn't think much as she walked down the narrow corridors, she longed for sleep yet a feeling of unease consumed her.

As she walked into her bedroom, she was surprised to see Piper sitting on her bed in silence. Piper had rarely returned to their shared bedroom after Rhea's accident, it was strange to see the blonde alone and quiet.

"Hey." Viya said softly.

"Oh, hi." Piper said.

"You alright?"
"Yeah, it's just..." Piper's voice trailed off.

Viya sat down next to the girl, patiently waiting for when she was ready to talk.

"Rhea's just so sad lately and I don't know what to do about it." Piper admitted, "I want to help her so badly but it's like she won't let me in." the girl paused, "Ever since her accident she's been different, she won't tell me things and it's as if she's pushing me away."

"She might need time." Viya suggested.

"I know she feels like a burden and I've tried to tell her that she's not but she never listens." Piper began to tear up, "I love her so much, and I don't want to lose her, but I wonder if I'm pushing her too hard."
Viya did something unexpected, something she hadn't done in a long, long time. Without hesitating, she wrapped her arms around Piper, pulling her into a hug. "You're doing great, K?"

Even though the gladers had reappeared and changed everything, that didn't mean she needed them, she had her own friends. She'd wait till they left, resume her life, and everything would be ok.

She was strong.

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