Hate was one of the only words Viya could use to describe how she felt. Her entire body, brain, and essence was made up of hate. She hated the gladers and everything they had done. She hated how they held themselves high on some fabricated pedestal, she hated how they acted better than everyone, better than her. She hated how useless she felt at times, she hated how she was like a hamster on a wheel, she was running forwards, but was she really going anywhere? Viya hated how the grievers would taunt her at night. She hated Minho and how he let her get banished. He had 'purposely' led that griever to them so that Viya would get stung, She hated him for that. And she hated how she missed him.
"This is not what I asked for." Viya stated as she took out the supplies she had received. "How is this supposed to help me?"
She flipped the small black book around in her hands, she opened it and quickly flipped through the pages, they were all blank.
"How is this supposed to help me fight off grievers!" She exclaimed.
Viya had asked for a weapon, she had imagined she'd receive one of the griever knives of something similar, but instead she got an empty book.
Viya grumbled as she stuffed it into her bag along with the rest of her food.
The supplies weren't all bad this week, she had received some dried fruit, something she had never gotten before.
Viya swung the backpack over her shoulders as she started off back home. The maze was normal today, there was the same perfect blue sky that she hated to look at. There was the normal ivy that draped down from the walls. It was all normal.
Then she saw something.
A dark figure out of the corner of her eye, it looked like it was running, but it was running towards her room.
Without thinking, Viya sped up and she started running towards the blob. But when she turned the corner, it was gone. And there was only the dead-end to greet her. Viya suspiciously creeped into her room, half-expecting someone to be in there waiting for her.
But there was not.
There was only loneliness.
Viya went to set down her bag, but she accidentally dropped it onto her stack of cans. The tin tower came crashing down. Viya watched as it all fell, and anger pulled on her heart.
"It's okay." She told herself. "Yeah, it's fine, you can clean it up Viya, no biggie."
Viya crouched down and started to pick up the cans, there weren't a lot of them, only ten or so. She had accumulated them over time, and extra can here, and spare can there.
As she was collecting them, she noticed something shiny had rolled under the chair. She reached her arm under the chair, expecting to feel the roundness of a can, but instead her hand grasped on a strangely pointy object. Viya curiously pulled it out, and almost immediately dropped it once she saw it. It was a beetle-blade.
"Were you watching me?" She asked it defensively.
As she looked at it more, she soon realized that it was the one she had broken. Viya picked the mechanical bug up by its leg and held it in front of her face.
"Huh." She said, "I guess you're done watching me now."
Viya set the bug down on the chair. "Not very good at your job are you?" Viya said with a laugh. "Don't worry, me neither."
Viya pushed her backpack into the corner before she slumped down onto the floor.
"I guess I'll have to make another chair, for now you can have mine, but don't get used to it."

Marooned | Maze Runner | Minho
FanfictionEveryone assumes Viya is dead. With good reason to. Nobody survives the maze. It may be called the banishing, but it's really a death sentence. So when Viya is sentenced to the maze, she even thinks she's going to die. But she doesn't. Instead she s...