Viya had slept the best she had in months. Without the fear of WCKD coming in at any moment, she was able to sleep through the entire night.
She sat on the edge of her bed, twiddling her thumbs. She wasn't sure what she was supposed to do, she was too scared to explore and part of her was so used to staying in a singular room all day that exiting anytime she wanted felt too strange. She was waiting for someone to find her, or until she got curious enough to leave.
She still couldn't believe that she was free. A part of her was still in that white room–maybe there would always be a part of her still stuck in there. The whole concept of freedom felt so foreign to her, she had spent her entire morning pinching herself to make sure it was all real. Not to mention that Gally was alive, that was another big shock. She felt partly guilty for leaving him, yet he seemed to be fine.
The door suddenly burst open, a short blonde girl was standing there with the biggest grin on her face.
"It's true!" She squealed as she ran towards Viya. "I finally have a roommate!"
She attacked Viya with a hug, for someone so small she was surprisingly strong. Viya tried to wiggle out of the eccentric girl's grip, but it was no use.
Eventually she let go and took a step back, "I'm Piper!" She said excitedly, "You must be Viya! Gosh I'm so excited to finally room with someone! Ever since Rhea moved out its been so lonely!"
Viya could now see why Gally had warned her.
"Are you settling in just fine? Lawrence said you had just gotten here yesterday, I can still remember my first day, it was so glorious, meeting all the new people and–"
"Don't overwhelm her, Piper." A voice said from the doorway.A taller girl was leaning against the doorframe, her long dark braids elegantly falling behind her.
"I didn't mean to! You don't mind, right?" Piper asked Viya.
Viya stared wide eyed at the girl, unable to conjure up a response for such a bubbly girl.
"Oh!" Piper remembered, "This is Rhea! Rhea, this is Viya!"
Viya gave a sheepish wave.
Rhea smiled slightly, "Why don't we head to lunch, give Viya some space."
Piper turned back to Viya, "Do you wanna come with us?" She asked pleadingly.It's not like Viya had anything better to do, "Alright."
"Yes! You can come meet everyone!" Piper grabbed Viya's hand, forcing her to her feet.
"Maybe not everyone." Rhea corrected.
Piper led Viya down the hallway, a slight skip in her step.
"When we're done eating we can find you some better clothes." Rhea said as she looked Viya up and down.
Viya looked down at herself, she was still wearing the clothes that WCKD had given her.
"Oo! Oo! Oo! You can raid my closet!" Piper volunteered.
"I was thinking she could take things from both of ours."
"It'll be easier if she just raids mine, besides, I already have half of your clothes in my closet anyways." Piper reminded cheekily.
Rhea rolled her eyes, "You'll get new clothes, that's the main thing."
Piper happily led the trio into the cafeteria, which was nothing like the one at WCKD. Instead of the harsh white lights, sunlight flowed into the room accompanied by small lamps. Wooden tables were set up around the room, stools and crates being used as chairs.

Marooned | Maze Runner | Minho
FanfictionEveryone assumes Viya is dead. With good reason to. Nobody survives the maze. It may be called the banishing, but it's really a death sentence. So when Viya is sentenced to the maze, she even thinks she's going to die. But she doesn't. Instead she s...