Christmas Special!

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-Disclaimer!! None of this is canon, it's just for fun! No extra lore for you guys!-
Christmas in the glade.


Holiday cheer was in the air, the entire glade had been given the day off, much to Gally's dismay. Gladers hustled towards homestead, gifts in hand. A thin layer of snow covered the ground as gentle snowflakes fell from above getting caught in peoples hair and sweaters. Boys had been planning their gifts for months, scavenging for supplies and throwing requests into the box.

Viya wore a thick purple scarf that Frypan had knitted her, it kept her warm and cozy through the mild winter. She cradled a handful of gifts in her hands, wrapped delicately in various colors of paper with messy bows slapped onto them.

She placed her gifts carefully under the christmas tree. The builders had chopped it down from the farthest corner of the glade. The younger boys had taken it upon themselves to decorate, recycling anything they could find to use as a decoration. They used old plastic bottles and markers to create snowflakes, they had found clay in the pond and used it to sculpt a variety of things, some better than others.

Viya took a seat next to Minho as she excitedly waited for the fun to start. She felt as if she had really aced her gifts this year (Not like she had been planning her gifts since march).

"Looks like we're all here!" Alby announced excitedly in his festive santa hat. "Remember to only take gifts with your own name on them, other than that, let Christmas begin!"
Cheers of delight erupted in the room as boys lunged towards the tree, ready to dig through the mountain of presents.

It took a good ten minutes before the present situation was sorted out and every glader had gathered their pile of gifts. Boys split off into smaller groups of their respective social circles.

Viya sat in a circle with Minho, Frypan, Alby, Gally, Jeff, Clint, and a few other boys.

"Minho, you open first!" Frypan suggested.

"Why me!"

"Because if my gift stays wrapped in that box any longer it will not smell good."

"Fair enough..." Minho muttered as he lifted Frypans gift off of the floor.

He gave it a gentle shake before he began to tear away the maroon colored paper. Inside the small box was a fresh block of cheese, Minho's face lit up with joy.

"You got me my own block!" He exclaimed.

"Now you don't have to sneak into the kitchens anymore." Frypan said with a wink.

"Open mine!" Viya asked.

Minho compiled without arguing, he picked up the small gift and began to rip the paper away. Minho opened his mouth but no words came out. Inside the small brown box was a beaded bracelet with a handmade leaf charm on it.

"You made this?" Minho asked.

Viya nodded excitedly. "Do you like it?"
"Like it? I love it!" Minho exclaimed, "Now you have to open mine!"
Viya hesitated before she grabbed the blue wrapped box off of the floor. She examined the box before she slowly tore away the paper. Inside was a tiny handmade dog plushy that was crooked and uncentered and looked more like a demanted dolphin than a dog. Yet Viya still held it up proudly before hugging to her chest.

"I love it!" She exclaimed.

"What is it?" Jeff whispered into Clint's ear, as if Clint would hold the answers he needed.

Gifts continued to be given until evening was upon the glade. Luckily Frypan had the foresight to have prepared the dinner before presents, as all he had to do was quickly set everything up before the glade could start eating. There was a giant roasted bird that had been hand picked for the event, heaping piles of mashed potatoes that were smothered in gravy. Too many side dishes to count and a big chocolate cake for dessert. By the end of it, every glader was stuffed and unable to eat anymore. Safe to say everyone slept peacefully that Christmas. 


Merry Christmas guys! 

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