The maze walls towered over Viya as she jogged through the maze. Her pace was slower today, she couldn't seem to get herself into it. It was probably the dreams.
For the past few nights Viya had been having the same dream every night. Every time she closed her eyes, she'd see Nash's terrified face staring back up at her. She tried to forget it, to leave the past in the past, but he was always there.
He was always there, he was always innocent, and always just as terrified as he was before.
No matter how much she ignored the feeling, the guilt. It was always there, Nash was always there.
Viya rounded the corner, just as she heard the gears of the giant doors start to turn.
"It's that late already?" Viya questioned, she could've sworn it was still close to noon.
She went to run back to her room when she heard something out of the ordinary.
A scream.
A scream that was from inside the maze, a scream that didn't sound too far away.
Viya stopped in her tracks, did she go towards it?
"...Could I have someone to talk to?" Viya muttered. "No, don't get ahead of yourself."
Viya crept closer towards the maze entrance, she hadn't even thought of going close to it since she was banished.The corridors got darker as night started to approach, she knew she shouldn't be out this late, but the small chance of a friend made it impossible for her to stop.
Viya could tell herself a thousand times that she was fine alone, but she knew she was lying to herself.
Soon Viya was nearing the entrance, and she heard another angry yell, this time much louder.
She peaked around the corner, and she saw tall boy pacing around back and forth as he held his head. It was too dark for her to see who it was, so Viya just watched instead.
She turned her head around at the sound of a griever screech in the distance.
"Shit..." She whispered.
She looked back towards the boy, and he clearly heard it too, because he took off running. He passed Viya without even noticing her, but she noticed him. And she recognized him.
It was Jax.
Viya's heart sank, him out of all people had to get banished.
Viya suddenly changed her mind, as much as she'd like a friend, it couldn't be him. She wouldn't let it be him.
Viya heard a griever screech again, and she knew she should go home, Jax could solve his own problems.
Viya walked slowly back to her room, so what if the grievers found her, she could outrun them. As Viya turned the corner, she instinctively looked down the long corridor, and just as she did, she saw Jax sprinting down the hallway, two grievers hot on his heels.
Viya stood stunned, watching the boy run for his life. He was getting closer to her, and he glanced up once, but he quickly did a double take when he noticed the girl.
Jax stumbled slightly as the pair held eye contact. Viya held her chin up high as she watched the pure fear that Jax held in his eyes.
Just then, the closer griever reached its long claw down, and dragged Jax to the ground. Jax screamed, and Viya just watched as a griever pounced on him.
She was about to walk away and forget about Jax for good, when she saw another griever creep up behind the first one, and soon the mechanical monsters were fighting over the boy.

Marooned | Maze Runner | Minho
FanfictionEveryone assumes Viya is dead. With good reason to. Nobody survives the maze. It may be called the banishing, but it's really a death sentence. So when Viya is sentenced to the maze, she even thinks she's going to die. But she doesn't. Instead she s...