60. 𝒞𝒽𝒾𝓁𝒹𝒾𝓈𝒽 𝒢𝒶𝓂𝑒𝓈.

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Despite the new strict rules of the base, Viya felt more free than ever. Most of the other kids had grown used to the freedom they once had, but to Viya, she was like a bird without a cage.

Viya hadn't ventured outside since last week's incident, but she didn't really want to. She was still pissed at Kade, mostly because he had clearly told some people what had happened because familiar glares followed her around wherever she went.

As Viya turned the corner, she came to a sudden stop right in front of the last person she wanted to see.

"Viya," He muttered.

The girl went to turn around, but the boy grabbed her arm in an attempt to stop her.

"Wait!" Kade exclaimed, "I just want to talk."

Viya ripped her arm away from him, "Too bad."

She began to walk away again, but this time Kade skidded in front of her, blocking her exit. "Just hear me out." He said.

"No thanks." She tried to push past him, but Kade continued to block her path.

"Let me speak Viya." He begged.

Viya took a step back, "You got two minutes." She said as she crossed her arms.

Kade exhaled before he spoke, "I'm sorry." He began, "I shouldn't have gotten angry at you and I shouldn't have yelled." Kade said remorsefully. "I...I also have something I want to tell you...It took me a long time to connect the dots and realize why I acted the way I did, but I think I finally figured it out."
Viya stared intently at the boy, silently counting until she could leave.

"I love you, Viya."

"I love you." he repeated, "I didn't realize it at first but–"
"No I heard you the first time, but what do you mean you love me?" Viya asked

"It's exactly what you think it means. I love you. At first I thought I was just happy to see you alive...but I realized it was more."
Viya stared at Kade wide-eyed, unsure of how to respond. What did he mean that he loved her?

"Do you...love me too?" Kade asked softly.

"I-" Viya started, but no words followed.

"Just give me a chance." Kade begged, "I can show you and maybe you'll fall in love with me too."

"I don't–"
"Please." Kade interrupted, "Just let me try."
Viya hesitated, "okay." She said softly.

Over the next few days, Kade seemed to have tried everything to win over Viya's heart. Everytime they talked he'd find a way to compliment her, to the point it was just getting awkward. He had brought her various gifts like a crocheted dog and a fresh loaf of bread.

Viya wanted to reciprocate his feelings, she felt obligated to, yet her heart possessed no feelings of love.

One day he had even tried to kiss her, Viya had politely declined, but he had kept trying to kiss her for the past few days.

As Viya laid silently in her bed, her stomach was filled with guilt. Why couldn't she just love Kade?
Piper had snuck out to Rhea's room, so Viya didn't even have someone to talk to.

She wanted to love Kade, to reciprocate his feelings, yet it felt as if her heart was somewhere else. As if someone had already reserved a spot and no one else was allowed in.

But she had no idea who that person was.


The kids sat huddled in a circle, their eyes all fixated on the game board. The warm string lights hung over them as the group giggled and laughed. Teresa had found an old board game and had convinced/forced the others to play. The game was quite simple, you went around the board in circles collecting money and buying slots as you went. The goal was to own everything on the board and buy-out your peers. The name was some complicated four syllable word that Viya couldn't pronounce, but Thomas had called it 'Monopoly."

It was only Nash, Minho, and Viya left, and there was no way Viya was going to lose. Losing was one thing she never did. Nash landed on a plot of Viya's land, he reached towards his pile of money, but as he began to count a look of defeat appeared on his face.

"I don't have enough." he said quietly.

Viya tried to hide the look of triumph on her face.

"Sell some property." Teresa recommended.

"...I don't have any left." Nash admitted.

"You're out buddy." Minho said confidently as he sent a cocky glare towards Viya.

Viya leaned forwards, focusing on the board.

The pair took turners travelling around the board, the crowd getting more and more bored with every move. Soon all the property was bought, every property was upgraded and the game had come to a stand still.

"Can we just call it a tie and do something else?" Newt said with a groan.

"No." Viya and Minho said at the same time.

"I agree with Newt, this is boring." Alby said.

"Same here." Chuck said with a yawn.

"How about we add up the money and whoever had the most wins?" Teresa offered.

"Fine..." Viya grumbled.

Teresa leaned forwards and began to count Viya's money, Thomas did the same for Minho. They added up the properties and all the assets, the crowd eagerly awaited the results.

"How much does he have?" Teresa asked.

"$3045" Thomas answered.

Teresa paused, "Are you for real?"

Thomas nodded in confusion.

"That's the same amount that Viya has."

"You're lying." Thomas said.

"I wish I was."
"Recount it!" Alby demanded.

After one very careful recount, it was determined that Viya and Minho had tied. Every asset was equal, every bill, every property was the exact same as the others.

"He definitely cheated!" Viya protested.

"Nuh uh!" Minho shot back.

"Yuh uh!" Viya rose to her feet.

"I think you cheated!" Minho stood up.

"I did no such thing!"

The pair stood angrily face to face, with little hesitation Minho grabbed a pillow off of the ground and wacked Viya with it. Viya let out a gasp before she retaliated with hitting Minho with her pillow. They went back and forth hitting each other with pillows until someone finally decided to get between them.

"Knock it off you two!" Alby said, but he was met with two pillows hitting him from either side.

Hitting Alby was the final straw, as soon the entire room turned into a pillow-based warzone, kids mercilessly struck each other with their feather sacks as victims tried to escape the grasp of the polyester.

Yet the fight wasn't based in hate or anger, it shifted into a fun game among the children as giggles filled the room.

Sometimes all kids needed was a good pillow fight.

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