Viya was pushed to the ground aggressively, she landed on her knees, small stones dug into her knees. Her entire body felt numb, and her head was spinning. She looked around, fires still raged on, the sounds of violence were still occurring. She realized her and the other gladers were all lined up facing a Berg. Guards stood in front of them, threateningly aiming their launchers at the group. A soldier made his way through the crowd of escapees, he scanned the microchip on the back of their necks, calling out their tag number.
"A12!" He announced as he read Viya's tag.
She wanted to fight back, to do something, just to help in any way she could. But her entire body still felt tranquilized, she struggled to move her head side to side, it was as if she was trapped in her own head, unable to move or speak.
Janson smugly walked back and forth, a smirk found itself on his face and he wore it proudly, almost taunting the teens.
Minho nudged Viya, "Look." He said.
Viya squinted as she looked, Thomas was approaching with his hands up.
"Dumbass..." Viya muttered. Despite her state, she was somehow still able to insult him.
Thomas was swiftly lined up with the others, and not too long after, the doors of the Berg opened.
Four guards stepped out first, behind them, a woman dressed in pure white stepped out. Her blonde hair was slicked back into a tight bun and she walked proudly with her shoulder back and head tilted upwards.
The woman whispered something into Janson's ear, and the guards started to grab people by the arm and attempt to drag them into the Berg.A man tried to grab Viya and her body limply listened, she had no energy to fight back, at least, not yet. Minho stood up independently and started to walk with Viya. She didn't understand why he was willfully going towards the Berg, he'd already abandoned her so many times, what was one more?
"She's with them." Thomas said, snapping Viya back to reality.
Teresa was standing next to Ava and Janson, she kept her head down shamefully. It didn't take Viya long to figure out what was going on.
"She's always had an appreciation for the greater good, it was only a matter of time before she came to her senses." Janson said as he put an arm around Teresa.
"I'm sorry, I had to." Teresa reasoned, "It's the only way."
"We're just trying to find a cure. I'm not a monster, I'm a doctor." Ava said. "We just need more time."
"No, you need more blood." Mary said as she stepped out of the crowd.Viya felt Minho's hand tighten around her arm, she could sense that he was planning something.
"Hello again Mary, I'd hope we'd meet again, I'm just sorry it has to be under these circumstances."
"I'm sorry about a lot of things too, but at least my conscience is clear." Mary said proudly."Mine is too." Ava said coldly as a bullet ripped through Mary's chest.
"Load 'em in." Ava said.
A guard jammed a gun into Viya's back. She was about to step forwards when the crowd burst into a new type of chaos. She gazed behind her, Thomas threateningly held an explosive in his hand.
"Stand back!" He yelled. "Let them all go!"
"You know I can't do that." Ava said."Thomas please stop, I made them all promise that they wouldn't hurt us!" Teresa argued.
Yeah right Viya thought.
"Shut up!" Thomas demanded.
"Thomas," Ava said gently, "Do you really want them all to die?"
A group slowly started to form behind Thomas. They all agreed with Thomas' decision. If this was the only way, then so be it.
Thomas was about to remove his finger from the switch and detonate the explosive when a truck flew over the hill, ramming into a helicopter. A different type of bomb was detonated, instead of debris going everywhere, people did. People swarmed the guards, they fought for their guns and mercilessly beat them.
Minho yanked Viya's arm, "We gotta go!" he yelled.
Viya listened and her feet started to move forwards on their own.
"Up the hill!" Minho directed.
Minho pushed Viya forwards, "I'll meet you up there!" He said as he grabbed a rifle.
Viya started to scramble up the cliffside, the sharp rocks cut her hands, but she knew she couldn't stop. She made it to an isolated edge and swung her body over it. As she looked down, she watched in horror as Minho was dragged into the Berg. She called out for him, but her voice was lost in the chaos. She wanted to climb down from her ledge and save him, but she saw more guards get deployed towards the group, she knew she had no choice but to run.
And that choice ripped her heart in two.
"Did you get it?"
Yep." Anvi said with a nod as she flashed the key card.
"Good...good," Martin muttered.
The pair stood in a secluded hallway, Martin had snuck into the building, he was dressed in full black while Anvi was still in her uniform. Anvi had finished her shift and instead of going home, she met up with Martin. As the hours went on, she only got more anxious.
"Are you sure we should do this?" Anvi asked warily.
"Not this again, I've told you a million times, we're gonna be fine." Martin rolled his eyes.
"I just do think we've planned this out just feels too rushed."
"The longer we spend planning, we just give WCKD more time to figure it out." He hissed."You're not telling me enough, Martin! You're keeping me in the dark, do you even trust me?"
"Of course I do, baby. I just don't want you to get hurt." Martin reasoned.
"Hurt by what? You said you have the entire thing worked out, right?" Anvi questioned.
"You have to stop being so suspicious, I got this," Martin said confidently, "You just gotta trust me."Anvi crossed her arms and looked away. Martin took a step forwards and gently pulled her face to face his.
"We got this." Martin promised, "It'll all go smoothly."
Anvi wanted to protest more, but Martin gently kissed her."Now, let's go before dawn is here." Martin said, his voice returning to its normal condescending tone.
Martin walked away, Anvi hesitated before she followed him down the narrow corridor.
1) I can't believe we're almost at 10k reads! That is absolutely mind boggling to me that this many people actually want to read my writing!
2) I'm so so sorry for not updating as often, I've been so busy with school and sports that I can never find the time, I hope you'll all stick with me for a while still as this story progresses. If I'm totally honest I've only written a half chapter this week cause I've been so busy and have been losing motivation BUT I PROMISE I WON'T ABANDON THIS FIC I COULD NEVER DO THAT TO YOU GUYS
Make sure to upvote! <3

Marooned | Maze Runner | Minho
FanfictionEveryone assumes Viya is dead. With good reason to. Nobody survives the maze. It may be called the banishing, but it's really a death sentence. So when Viya is sentenced to the maze, she even thinks she's going to die. But she doesn't. Instead she s...