Viya rammed her elbow into her escort's groin, sending him tumbling to the ground.
She would not let herself be fooled.
The man fell back against the wall, holding his abdomen. Viya didn't let him have a moment's rest, she lifted her foot up and slammed her foot into his chest.
She wanted to scream out as she attacked him. There was simply too much rage in her chest that needed to be emitted somehow. But Viya knew better than to draw attention to herself.
So instead she put all of her anger in each punch, every hit harder than the last.
Before Viya knew it, the guard was unconscious against the wall. Blood dripped from his nose, and she was pretty sure she broke his wrist.
Viya bent down to poke the man in the face, just to make sure he was unconscious. And sure enough, he was out.
She then moved on to searching him for anything that could be of use to her. She had overheard tidbits of conversations, and from what she understood, there was some barren wasteland out there.
She soon came to the realization that the man had nothing useful on him but a keycard and a pack of gum with one singular piece left.
Viya subconsciously rolled her eyes.
"Some guard..." She muttered.
As Viya started to formulate her plan when she realized something. Watcher was still back in the room. Every instinct told Viya to run and leave him behind. But her heart told her differently.
Viya knew how to get back to her room, she just didn't know how to get back unnoticed. Certainly someone would notice soon enough.
Viya turned around, her eyes were alert, every sound and shadow would cause her to turn around ready for a fight.
She soon burst out into a sprint, her long dark locks flew behind her like smoke rising up from a fire. She skidded to a halt once she met a looming door.
"Please work..." She muttered as she swiped the keycard.
The door opened upward, revealing a familiar white hallway. She was almost there.
Every door looked the same as Viya hastily walked down the hallway. She knew hers was close, but the hard part was finding which door was hers.
Viya decided to test her luck on one of the identical looking doors. The first door she tried led to a similar looking room, but it was not hers. Same thing happened with the second and third rooms. By the fourth room Viya was getting anxious, she knew she was on a time crunch, and not being able to find her room made everything worse.
She swiped the keycard again, already expecting defeat, but to her surprise, she saw her backpack lying on the floor. Viya stumbled forwards and snatched up the bag. She quickly grabbed Watcher off of her bed and shoved him into the bag.
Viya darted out of the door, now she was free to leave.
Viya headed down the spiraling hallways once again, she kept her eyes peeled for any clues that would point her towards an exit.
Viya had gone through three doors by the time the alarms sounded. She had known they would turn on eventually, but either she had lost track of time, or they had noticed she was gone too quickly. Either way, Viya had to get going.
She ran harder, her backpack moved up and down with every step she took, but she didn't have time to complain about the discomfort.
As she turned the corner, she could hear yells of panic from behind her. She kept running down the hallway, and the closer she got, she could see a distinct 'Exit' sign up ahead.

Marooned | Maze Runner | Minho
FanficEveryone assumes Viya is dead. With good reason to. Nobody survives the maze. It may be called the banishing, but it's really a death sentence. So when Viya is sentenced to the maze, she even thinks she's going to die. But she doesn't. Instead she s...