Viya pressed her ear up against the door in an attempt to hear what the others were discussing. It had been two days since she had been kicked out. On the first day she expected to be called into Lawrences office and for him to offer her to come back. But by the second day when all her peers went to his office and she stayed back, she knew that he had been serious.
He didn't want her help.
Of course, she could approach him and ask for her spot back, but there was no way in hell she'd do that.
"I'll take Brenda and Nash into the city on the next trip." Gally's muffled voice said.
"Sounds good." Lawrence agreed.
"How long until we reach Minho?" Thomas asked.
"Like I said, three weeks at least." Lawrence answered, a twinge of annoyance in his voice.
"Not any sooner?"
"Look, kid, we got a lot to do. We have to get everyone into a city and at least a little bit familiarized with it, we need enough disguises for everyone along with a few keycards. We need to kidnap Teresa, get rid of your guys' chips, and only then can we even think about actually executing the plan.""Wait, what chips?" Newt asked.
Viya listened carefully, agreeing with Newt's question.
"WCKD put chips in the back of your necks, my guys figured out that if you guys enter the building they'll get pinged."
Viya touched the back of her neck, she felt carefully until she touched a little bump.
Viya's attention was snapped back to the door as she heard footsteps shuffling. For a second she thought the meeting was over, but the two people seemed to stop in front of the door away from the rest of the group.
"What did you want to ask, Gally?" Lawrence asked.
"When are you gonna let Viya come back." Gally asked.
Lawrence paused, "That girl brings trouble wherever she goes, don't think my men haven't updated me on how she acts on missions. I know what she did in that warehouse."
"But we need her Lawrence, you and I both know how capable she is, and I know you don't trust these kids, not like you trust me. Viya is loyal, I'm sure if you talk to her she'll agree to come back and behave herself."
"Look, Gally, I appreciate you sticking up for your friend, but this mission isn't right for Viya. One thing will go wrong and she'll blow up. I've seen and heard the things she does in anger, and if she were to get angry during the mission it could ruin the entire thing." Lawrence explained.Viya felt her face get red, she thought Lawrence liked her, and now it's like he didn't even trust her.
"She can do it! Trust me! If it's for Minho she'll do it."
"I can't rely on her. It's as simple as that."
Gally stayed quiet and soon the pair walked away.
Viya pulled away from the door, a mixture of disbelief and anger swirling through her.
If they weren't going to let her help, she'd just have to take it.
Viya stood in front of the bathroom mirror, blade in hand. Her hair was tied up in a bun and she had a rolled up shirt in her mouth. Her fingers traced the outline of the tracker in her neck.
Anger still flowed through her, yet it was slowly settling.
She carefully brought the knife to her neck, she bit town on the shirt as she made a small insicon. She traced the outline of the tracker, blood flowed down her neck no doubt staining her shirt.
She could see the small device sticking out, she placed the knife down on the counter as she tried to grab the device. It took some digging, but she eventually got it out.
She almost immediately spat out the shirt and took a deep breath. She grabbed a towel and held it to her neck applying pressure as she fumbled with the bandages.
She wrapped the white cotton around her neck three times before she ripped it off with her teeth. She quickly rinsed the blade off in the sink before she rushed out.
It was dinner time and everyone was in the cafeteria, making it the perfect time for her plan.
She crept down the hallways silently, her skills from the maze coming back to her with ease.
She made her way towards Lawrences office, she glanced around her before she ducted into the room. Luckily he was also at dinner.
Viya crept towards the table, papers were spread everywhere, yet there were only a few documents she needed. She shuffled papers around looking for the blueprints of WCKD. She eventually found them buried at the very bottom, she quickly snatched them up as she hurried back to her room.
She shut the door behind her as she flopped down onto her bed. She couldn't believe she was actually doing it.
Piper was no doubt staying with Rhea again, so she didn't have to worry about her coming home to see her roommate planning a rescue mission illegally.
She had to leave in the morning, before patrols were sent out and before any meetings happened. Viya's bag remained empty, she planned to sneak off into the supply room before she left. She had heard that Lawrence had already obtained one uniform, she'd just have to borrow it for a while, she was sure he wouldn't mind.
She turned her focus towards the blueprints, it would be in her best interest to memorize the layout before she left. What guard would pull out a blueprint of the building to find their work station?
The building had dozens of levels both below and above ground. Each floor had been carefully labelled, the hardest part would be finding out which floor Minho was on. She could scratch off all the basement levels, they were mostly utility and storage rooms. Most of the top floors were office buildings, and he certainly wouldn't be there. She slowly narrowed down her search area, trying to use her prior knowledge of the two facilities she was in to help her. Unfortunately the second time she was with WCKD she had been so high on drugs she could barely remember anything.
She soon narrowed it down to three floors, the student sector, experiments, and subject studies. He had to be on one of those floors, the choice was which to search first.
Viya knew one thing for sure, no matter what, she would only leave if she was dead or with Minho. And she was certainly hoping for one over the other.

Marooned | Maze Runner | Minho
FanficEveryone assumes Viya is dead. With good reason to. Nobody survives the maze. It may be called the banishing, but it's really a death sentence. So when Viya is sentenced to the maze, she even thinks she's going to die. But she doesn't. Instead she s...