46. 𝒜𝓃 𝒜𝒷𝒶𝓃𝒹𝑜𝓃𝑒𝒹 𝒟𝑜𝑔

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Darkness clung onto Viya tightly. It wouldn't loosen it's grip on her, no matter how hard she tried to fight it off.

Viya laid on a cold stainless steel table, her hair had been straightened and tied into a slick ponytail. Her skin had been cleaned of dirt that had been there for weeks. Doctors stood over her, some wrote things into her file, others prepared needles for injection.

She only had her ears to go off of, her eyes stayed closed no matter how hard she tried. She could only listen to the sounds around her, she estimated four people stood around her, maybe three, she couldn't be certain. All she knew is that she wanted to move, she wanted to scream, she wanted to fight.

But the darkness wouldn't let her.

The darkness pulled her down in a tight hug. Tighter than anyone had ever hugged her.

She screamed for her limbs to move, but the darkness covered her mouth and forced her to stay silent. She tried to open her eyes, to look at the faces who stared at her.

The darkness smothered her, but in a way, it was comforting. She could be dead, was this what death was like?
Darkness was peaceful, there was no fear or worry in the abyss, there was nothing.

She could almost see shapes in the darkness as if she was cloud gazing. There was a dog, a crown, maybe even a house. Viya pictured herself in a green meadow, where she could actually cloud gaze. She could imagine the wind hitting her face, the grass brushing against her arms.

Just as she felt calm, a needle pierced her skin. If she could've flinched, she would've.

She begged the darkness to let her go, but her pleas were met to deaf ears.

The doctors continued to run their tests, unaware of Viya's consciousness. Most of them had learned to ignore the fact that Viya was human, to them, she was just another subject, they just needed to save the world.

"Scalpel." A doctor asked.

A nurse handed the doctor the tool without looking up from the file.

Viya fought the darkness, they were going to cut into her. Did they think she was dead? Were they going to harvest her organs as she laid helplessly?

The more Viya fought, the less control the darkness gave her, every time she tried to move, it only got harder. The darkness forced her down, forced her to stay still.

The scalpel hit her torso, Viya felt the cold metal slice her skin smoothly. If she could move, she would've cried out, but instead she laid still, forced to suffer the pain.


"So, what's the plan Tommy?" Newt asked.

It had been almost a week since the attack, the right arm had reformed their camp on the beach, disguised by the rocky shore and abandoned boats.

Thomas had already convinced the group that he was going to save the others whether they helped or not, unsurprisingly, everyone agreed to help. But now came the hard part of actually forming a plan. In theory a rescue mission was easy, find the compound, break your friends out, go home. Believe it or not, it wasn't that easy. WCKD had made sure to disguise their location and bury their radio lines. The group had already spent two days trying to form an outline of a plan, and they'd be lying if they said they weren't struggling.

"It's only three people, how hard could it be?" Brenda debated.

"Clearly pretty damn hard." Nash grumbled.

Thomas stared intently at their plans, trying to figure out what to do.

The group was gathered in an old shipping container, they used wooden crates as a table. Nash and Newt stood on one side, Brenda and Frypan were in the corner. Jeff and Thomas stood on the other side of the table.

"Wait," Frypan said, he paused and started to count the group, "Three?"

Everyone paused, each individual counting up the group, "We're missing someone..." Thomas muttered.

The group paused, mentally going over each person, "Viya," Jeff realized.

Thomas paused, "but..." his voice trailed off.

How had he not noticed she was missing?

"Where did she go?"
"I'd guess WCKD got her." Nash said bitterly.

Frypan looked up, "I didn't see her on the Berg, did you?" He asked Brenda.

The girl shook her head, "She couldn't have been on the Berg, I saw her and Minho running away right before he got captured."

"Then where did she go?" Thomas questioned, "Wait–let me rephrase that, who saw her last?"

The group looked around at one another, each hoping that someone had some information they forgot to share. It was only when the room continued to stay silent that everyone got the message.

"Did anyone see her the morning we left camp?" Thomas questioned.

They had all rode together in the same vehicle, maybe she was just in another car.

Everyone shook their heads, "What about at lunch? Dinner?"

The room stayed silent.

"So Brenda was the last one to see her, the night of the attack?"
Everyone slowly nodded.

"Maybe she died." Nash said.

"I doubt it." Jeff said, "She has a habit of not dying when she's supposed to."

"True that," Newt agreed.

"So, you're all saying that we left Viya at camp?" Thomas asked.

"Seems like it."

"Fuck," Thomas muttered.

"What's the big deal?" Nash asked, "Maybe she wanted to leave."
"Yeah or we left her behind to either die of dehydration or be scooped up by WCKD." Thomas argued.

"I just don't understand why it matters, let's just get Minho, Sonya, and Aris back and move on." Nash countered.

"We just can't abandon her, we have to at least ask if she wants to be left alone."

"Or we could, I personally wouldn't have any problem with it."
"Let's all cool our heels here." Brenda interjected.

Both boys bit their tongues.

"How about we take a brief break for dinner, then we can come back to this, K?" Brenda asked.

"Don't have to tell me twice," Frypan said as he walked out.

Thomas and Nash both hesitated before they walked out.

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