33. 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒪𝓊𝓉𝓈𝒾𝒹𝑒𝓇

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Viya stood uncomfortably in the dark room, she could feel people brushing up against her. It was the type of darkness where you couldn't see your own hand in front of your face. The only sound Viya could hear was the soft breaths of those beside her.

A door clicked open, light flowed into the room in a small strip. Viya was near the back of the crowd, one by one people stepped out into the light until it was just Viya and Minho left. She felt oddly nervous, but she couldn't let her internal fear show on her face. Viya stepped out of the small box. Both ways she looked led to what seemed to be an endless, dark, hallway. A sudden tapping sound started to come towards them. Viya turned her head to look at the source, her grip tightened on her knife in anticipation, but it loosened when she realized it was just the sound of lights flickering on.

Viya tried to stay at the very back of the group, she didn't want to be noticed, but she knew that she would be. Through the crowd, she could see Thomas nod his head to the right and a few responded by nodding in agreement. As soon as Thomas started walking, the rest started to follow.

The hallway was continuously the same, and Viya couldn't help but get nervous that they might have walked into another maze. Pipes lined the walls and ceiling, Viya could hear water dripping through them. Lights flickered, everytime they did Viya would think the shadows were something behind them and she'd glance behind her, expecting a fight.

Viya could feel eyes on her as she walked, she noticed how the gladers snuck glances at her, but the second that she met their gaze they'd look away. Viya didn't recognize most faces in the crowd, maybe some of them she had been with in the glade, but she didn't recognize them now.

She felt out of place in her knotted hair and tattered clothes. The gladers certainly weren't wearing luxury brands by any means, but compared to Viya's heavily worn clothes, they might as well have been.

Somehow, Viya found herself in the middle of the group. She had tried to slo herself down to stay at the back, but she had spent years trying to move as fast as she could, so doing the opposite was nearly impossible. Being in the middle was even worse, because she could feel the eyes staring at her from behind, but she couldn't do anything about it.

Viya turned her head to observe her surroundings, but instead she met the gaze of a recognizable blond boy. He looked older now, his hair was still the same. Viya wasn't sure if he knew that she was there. She was glad to see him alive, but if he did recognize her, he didn't look happy.

It took Viya a moment to notice why he looked so pissed off. But as they walked, she could see someone behind him. Eventually, the boy behind Newt stepped out just enough that Viya could see him. It was Nash.

She hadn't even thought of seeing him again, she had tried to forget him. The moment their eyes met, Viya quickly looked away, but not before she noticed what she had stolen from him.

Years. She had spent years defending her actions, but when she saw Nash's missing eye, she knew that she was the villain.

Viya almost ran into the boy in front of her as he abruptly stopped.

She looked over his shoulder to see what everyone was staring at. A glowing green exit sign was slapped onto the top of a door.

"Seriously?" A boy said.

Thomas stepped towards the door, he hesitated before he opened the door.

The first thing Viya saw was flashing orange lights, the second thing she saw was the bodies.

Without thinking, Viya stepped towards the door. She followed close behind Thomas, whatever this place was, she just hoped it would lead them out.

Glass crunched beneath her shoes as she walked through the destroyed room. Bodies laid all over the room with visible bullet wounds in every one. Viya instinctively gripped her knife tighter.

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