Viya laid on the floor of her room staring up at the ceiling silently. No thoughts ran through her mind like they usually did. She didn't feel scared or angry. She didn't feel anything.
Maybe it was better that way.
Somehow, seeing and talking to people made her lose any focus she once had. And she hated it. She hated not having the motivation to do anything, yet she couldn't find any motivators.
She wasn't going running today. She couldn't.
There was too much activity in the maze, there were double the runners on duty and they almost seemed to be following her around. She knew that Minho had seen her the other day, and if he could spot her, that means other people could too.
So instead she laid on the cold stone floor with her long dark hair sprawled out in every direction. She held her tanned hand in front of her face as she counted the tiny scars that were dotted all around it. Scars from punching walls and tripping onto the floor. Scars from the glade when she would climb trees and weed crops. There were hundreds of scars all over her body, small scars that no one but her would notice, and the bigger scars that showed her struggles in the maze. Like the long gash down her calf from a griever attack, the five griever stings that had turned into white circles that were still sensitive to touch even two years after the incident. Most of her scars had come from adventures in the maze, a few were from the glade. Viya was her scars, they showed every adventure she had been on and every accident she had encountered. But nobody would love her scars like she did. Nobody would understand them the way she did. She could remember how she got each and every one of them, they were special to her. They proved that she was as strong as she said she was.
Viya glanced over to her half finished mural, she should finish it. But she wouldn't. She would lay on the floor. That is what she would do.
"Tom" A feminine voice said in her head, "I know you can hear me, Tom"
Who was that? Viya looked around her room but saw nothing.
"It's okay if you can't do it yet, you'll learn." The girl in Viya's head said, "You have to listen to me Tom, Everything is changing."
It was definitely coming from inside her head. Was she going insane? Is this what the feeling in her chest was? No, no, she was fine, she was probably just imagining it."WICKED is good."
Viya scrambled to her feet. She backed herself up into a corner as she frantically looked around.
Stop. Stop talking.
"Remember, WICKED is good, this will all be worth it in the end."
"Shut up..." Viya muttered.
"Listen to my voice Tom, it'll all make sense soon."
"Shut up!" Viya yelled.
"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" She screamed, but no one was listening. "Shut up!"
Then, almost automatically, her head fell silent. A humming that she didn't know was there switched off and the maze became silent again.
"What the fuck was that?" Ava yelled angrily as she entered the conference room.
She slammed down a file in the center of the table and stared ferociously at her employees.
"Which one of you idiots forgot to switch her chip off?"
The room fell silent, everyone was too scared to answer the fuming woman."Really? No one?"
A meek man raised his hand, Dr. Paige motioned for him to speak.
"I believe asked Thomas and Teresea to do that..." He muttered.
"Ah, I see, you're blaming it on the teenagers?!?!" Ava scolded.
Ava paced around the room, rubbing her forehead.
"Do you not understand how serious this situation is? We want Viya to be isolated, we can't have her talking telepathically to people, that defeats the entire purpose of her situation!" Ava explained, "Is it deactivated now?"
"Y...yes, it is." A woman answered.
Ava sat down in her chair that was at the head of the table, she glared at everyone who sat around her, just to make sure they understood that she was still pissed.
"How are Viya's brain waves after the incident?" Ava questioned.
A grey haired man cleared his throat. "They are definitely elevated, her report shows signs heightened levels of anxiety and she's definitely alert after it."
"Has she left her room at all?" Ava inquired."No, she was still laying on the floor when I left."
"Should we be concerned over it?"
"I don't think so, I think we should continue to monitor the glade, seeing as the trigger is now in progress."
Ava nodded, he turned to a red headed woman next to her, "How is Teresa doing?"
"She's doing well, her waves show a lot of fear and confusion, but she definitely still has her bond with Thomas."
"Does everything seem to be going as planned?" Dr.Paige asked."Yes, they found the key and tensions are definitely high, we are getting great results from everyone actually."
"Is everything in place for tomorrow's event?"
"Yes, the grievers are all programmed and the doors are ready."
"How about staffing?" Ava Paige asked a bald man in the corner."Good, we have every shift full with three people on stand-by if they are needed. I also had Todd come in to review all of the tech, everything is in place."
"Good job Mr.Beevs." Ava complimented.Ava turned to Janson, "How is the facility doing, is it ready for its next shipment?
"Yes, we cleared two groups out today and the rooms are already prepared for their arrival in the next week or so." Janson answered, "How many are we estimating again?"
"Anywhere from twenty to seven, my best guess is there will be thirteen." A brunette woman piped up."That little?"
"Well looking at the recent charts, lots of the boys are having high levels of anxiety, and I'd guess this group will have quite a large group that will stay behind. I also took into account how many fatalities they will have in the next week."
"I see, your numbers make sense." Janson agreed."Well then." Ava said. "Phase one seems to be wrapping up nicely, I'd like to see more preparations being made for phase two, but other than this last slip up, I believe everything will go smoothly."
Guys how are we at almost 1k reads? That's crazy!
You guys actually mean the world to me, on my last fic I'd be lucky to get a comment a month so seeing all of you comment really brightens my day <3
I should have all of the 1st movie/book parts published by the end of the month and I'll post the first Scorch Trial chapter on December first!

Marooned | Maze Runner | Minho
FanfictionEveryone assumes Viya is dead. With good reason to. Nobody survives the maze. It may be called the banishing, but it's really a death sentence. So when Viya is sentenced to the maze, she even thinks she's going to die. But she doesn't. Instead she s...