19. 𝑅𝒶𝑔𝑒 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝑅𝑒𝑔𝓇𝑒𝓉

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"Watcher, you can't keep saying that!" Viya exclaimed, "Yes, I know it's true, but the grievers are gonna hear you!" Viya argued back, "Oh please, they're gonna storm their clunky bodies over here and eat you."

Viya picked her backpack off of the ground, "They wouldn't eat me, I'm too cute." Viya scoffed.

"Alright, alright, I hear you," Viya said with an eye roll, "And as much as I'd like to continue this thrilling conversation, I really must be going."

Viya turned away from the beetle-blade and started to head towards the door.

"You watch your mouth young man!" Viya ordered as she stuck out her tongue.

As Viya exited, she heard Watcher's lame response, but she didn't bother turning around to argue with him.

"He needs to learn his place..." Viya muttered.

She trailed through the maze going along the familiar path to the box. Viya knew the path well, she went on it every week and it wasn't too complicated, at least not for her.

She eventually reached the smooth stone wall that held her box. She bent down and casually opened the latch. A can rolled out of the hole as she opened it.

"Hmph, beef soup." Viya commented as she picked the can up and tossed it into her backpack.

She reached her entire arm into the box and swiftly scooped everything out onto the floor. She then sorted the water from the food. She made neat piles before she started to cram all of the supplies into her blue backpack.

It wasn't until all of the supplies were packed tightly into the backpack that she realized something.

Viya reopened the box and peaked inside.

"Maybe I missed it..." She muttered.

But the box was still empty.

Viya turned back to her supplies, "I thought I requested something...I always request something."

Viya turned her backpack upside down, "Maybe I missed it...yeah, I probably just missed it."
Water bottles and tin cans were scattered on the floor, but to Viya's dismay, there was nothing extra. She double and triple checked, but there was just the regular supplies.

"How did I forget?" She asked, "I never forget."

Viya started to stuff her supplies back into her backpack but suddenly paused, "This messes up everything, I had a list of things to get and now that I forgot then the list will be off, I wasted a week, I wasted it!"

Viya aggressively started to stuff things back into her bag.

Viya got to her feet, abandoning the backpack on the ground.

"How did I forget? How? It doesn't make sense!" She exclaimed.

Rage flowed through her body, she hated when she made mistakes, and she rarely made mistakes.

Without thinking, Viya slammed her fist into the wall, she knew it was supposed to hurt, but it didn't.

She was stupid.
She sent her fist into the wall again, over and over she punched the stone.

She had really forgotten the supplies and now she'd have nothing new, no new things to keep her going.

Her fist continued to pound on the stone.

Viya suddenly snapped out of her anger induced rage, she looked at her bloody fist that was covered in scratches and bruises. She looked at the wall and could see the red smears of her rage on it.

Viya let go of her fist, she turned around and snatched the backpack up off the ground before she stormed off.


Thomas' leg shook nervously as he sat on the edge of his bed. He was alone in his room like he always was in the evenings.

But it wasn't any evening.

Most days he would read a book before he went to bed, but tonight he had other plans.

Yesterday morning, someone had left a small, pocket sized radio in his room under his pillow. There was a note attached to the device that directed him to wait for a code word the next day. And that day was here.

He knew exactly what the people wanted, he had first heard about them weeks ago.

They went by 'The Right Arm', they were some sort of resistance group, somehow they had people on the inside, and one of their spies had left a series of letters for Thomas.

At first, Thomas assumed they were from one of his friends, but when the person started asking for more and more information he had started to get suspicious. He eventually just asked them what they wanted, and they revealed that they wanted to take down WCKD and they'd need his help. Thomas was taken aback at first, but as they started to explain their reasoning, Thomas began to open his eyes to the cruelty of the experiments.

It had been eating away at him for weeks, but tonight was the final night he'd have to deal with it. He was going to spill everything. Every location, every outpost, every maze, he would tell them it all.

Thomas had always viewed WCKD as this saint of sorts, a corporation that could do no wrong, they just wanted to help people. But it wasn't until his pen pal Mary had opened his eyes did he realize how messed up it all was. They were testing and killing kids.

WCKD had been the only home Thomas had ever known, and he didn't like the idea of betraying the very people who had raised him, yet he couldn't allow the experiments to continue.

He had tried talking to Teresa on multiple occasions, but every time he had brought it up she'd always shut down his ideas and tell him 'it was all for the greater good'. In the beginning he had tried to believe her and forget everything Mary had said. But every time he'd look at the monitors he'd think about what the woman had said.

"Griever." The radio spoke.

Thomas fumbled with the radio anxiously, he eventually picked it up and held down the button.

"Ye...Yeah I'm here." He said,

Thomas hesitated before he spoke again, "Griever." He responded.

"Hello Thomas." The gentle voice of a woman spoke.

"Hey," Thomas said.

"Are you alone?"
Thomas glanced around the room, "Yep." He answered.

"Good." Mary said, "Now, do you remember what you must do after this conversation?"
"Destroy the radio."
"You got it."

"Should I just...um, start?" Thomas asked.

"Yes," Mary answered, "Whenever you're ready."


"Alright last one," Thomas said.

"Alright, I'm ready." Mary answered.

Thomas opened his mouth to speak when the door suddenly swung open.

"Put the radio down!" Janson yelled.

Thomas looked up, his eyes filled with fear.

"Thomas? Thomas?" Mary asked.

Thomas looked back and forth from Janson and the radio.

"Quick Thomas!" Mary directed, "Before we get disconnected!"
"384, 611-"

The radio was ripped out of Thomas's hands, causing his message to be cut off.

"What do you think you're doing?" Janson asked.

"I don't want to hear it, search the room." Janson directed. "Ava is gonna have a fun time with you mister, her own subject..." Janson muttered threateningly.

Thomas watched in horror as guards started to rip apart his entire room.

What had he done.

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