chapter fourteen

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Hello :)
I'm on a vacation right now, so that means no WiFi :(. But I'm trying folks, I'm trying. I'm sorry if the last chapter were boring but I needed all of that to happen.
So enjoy the chap and peace out✌
Ps- I'm in Greece on Samos island, and I'm supper bored. I mean I'm drinking coffe and eating ice cream all day so if you happend to be here, text me and we can hang out :)
Love yaaaaaa
Alright, that's enough -_- here is the chap :)

Clarke's POV

I stood there, frozen to the ground. I couldn't move. What did just happend? My eyes moved over to Bellamy who was looking dumbly ahead, pretending to study a bush near by, although I can vividly remember how he said, and I am quoting him right now that "plants are fucking useless, I would destroy them all if I could. Burn them down and all people would call me Bellamy the destroyer of nature. Greatest nick name ever". I rolled my eyes at the memory of this moment. He is such a baby sometimes.

" Fuck" I heard him mumble under his breath.

I raised up my hand and rubbed my eyes. some girl just came here and practically told us that we are going to die, or more likely be murdered by some savages. Although I didn't wanted to belelive her, some part of me told me, that it's not wise to ignore it either.

"Bellamy..." No matter how hard I tried to keep my voice steady, it came out more like a cry. He looked over to me and what I saw surprised me. I expected to see him at least a bit worried, but there was not a single worry in his eyes, only hate and anger.

"Who the fuck does she think she is?" He said in low voice, kicking a rock near by. "She came, such a small fucking prick came here and started to threaten us? Fuck no. I should of just slit her god damn throat".

I couldn't help, bit think that it was my fault that she ran away. I didn't wanted her dead like Bellamy did, but I didn't wanted her to flee either. She was supposed to tell us more.

" Bellamy we need to go" I told him, seeing only reasonable solution for this already fucked up situation. I mean, what if she's still around? Or worse, what if she is calling for help and bringing her wildling friends to butcher us? Not happening.

"She is so fucking lucky she ran away" he ran his hand thru his hair and I lifted my eyes to meet his angry gaze.
"I'm sorry" I said, looking to the ground. I felt guilty, and trust me, it isn't something I feel every day. It was my fault that I stood up for her, and now everyone is in danger.

"It ain't your fucking fault. You were just being kind, there's nothing wrong with that" he said, kicking another stone. His words somehow warmed up my heart but they did not made feel better. If I would of coot her, we could make her talk. Now we have nothing.

"Do you believe her?" I asked him


"Do you believe her? Do you believe that there are more of them?"

"No. I believe things when I see them. I think that who ever she is, she is alone or with really weak group. You should do the same. Although how she survived, made me quite confused."

" yeah.." Was the only answer I could come up with.

"Hey..look at me" he said softly. Bellamy raised his hand and put it under my chin, lifting it up. Although I didn't wanted to, I looked up to meet his gaze.

"Don't blame yourself. It wasn't your fucking fault. We didn't expected it. Neither of us." His tone was hard but comforting. His fingers were brushing along the edge of my chin and it was suspiciously pleasureable.

"She didn't seem evil you know' i whispered. "It felt like she was raised to be that way. To be a fighter without fear, not a gentle girl. It felt like she was raised in a world where she didn't fit in"
Bellamys eyes soften and he dropped his hand down. Surprisingly I was much more happier when he was stroking my cheak. "When she grabed my hand it felt right you know. As if she was afraid but didn't wanted to let that feeling out"

"You seem to be familiar with that feeling" he said.

Bellamy was obviously expecting me to say something on that matter, but that wasn't going to happen. I'm not gonna tell him that I partly probably understood it, that I understood what is like to be raised somewhere you don't fit in, somewhere your own family isn't your family.

He sight and said "Fine. Keep quite if you want to. But just so you know, there is a devil in every one. Even the saintest person in the whole universe has his own demons. He just decided to keep them hidden. But that doesn't mean he controls them, eventually no matter how much you think you can control them, they always control you."

"You seem to be familiar with that feeling..." I repeated his words from earlier.

He smiled and said with sickly sweet smile"Sadly...I am,but babe, as you can see I can control them pretty well, because if I couldn't, you would be already tied up to a tree and left here to rot for the problems you're causing"

Small smile was creeping to my face.

"Why are you smiling?"

"You can be nice, I knew it" I answered him.

He brought his eyebrows together and said " Nice? I am threatening to tie you up to a tree and you think I'm nice? Very well then..."
I rolled my eyes.

"Stop being a dick again, please" I pleaded. Why is he always like this? His mood swing were driving me insane. Good,bad,bad,baby, bad boy, sweet, bad,bad, nice ...and so on..

"We should get going" he spoke. First reasonable thing he told me so far.

"Yeah..let's go"

He made a few steps and suddenly he stopped in his tracks and turned back to me.

"And princess" he murmors, leaning close. "If you ever talk back to me like you did before , you won't like how it ends.That ain't fucking threat, it's a mother fuckin' promise"

If you liked vote and comment :) I will update earlier that way. Hehe Bellamy is getting sweet :D
Bye lovelies

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