Chapter Thirty five

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Hello, it's me again :)
I hope that at least some of you liked the chapter i posted before. I hope you'll like this one too :)
Have a great day loves :)

Clarke's POV
I was actually laughing. After all this i was laughing. And i want to do nothing else but this. I don't have to be sad, because of things that didn't work out. I am happy. This is the me that i've been missing since the start of the stupid trip. I used to be quite positive and happy girl, but then i met him and everithing turned upside down.
If i wouldn't of gone, none of this would happen, but it's too late now to think about something that could of happen, i will think about things that i want to happen in the future. And i know one thing, Bellamy isn't there for sure.
Not only that i want to cross him out of my future, i want to cross him out of my life. I realize that it won't be easy, thanks to my feelings and the fact, that we live like four tents away from each other. I know that i had a moment with him before Jake came here, and i know that i wasn't supposed to even consider the option he gave me, but i did anyways. And that was a mistake that he maybe missunderstood. But it won't happen again, never ever.

"Omg, did you saw his face?" Said Jake, laughing his ass off. I loved when he smiled, his white teeth appeared and he looked like a god to me. Shame he's gay, because he's a good person and treets me right. Not gonna lie, i would consider dating him at any time.

"Oh yeah, i did" i said laughing along, remembering Bellamys horrified face when Jake called him sweetie.

"That is called intimidating an enemy" he said proudly, still smilling

"I think that he's more afraid of you than he's afraid of grounders"

" Yeah, don't blame him though..i can bite pretty hard" he said, winking. 


"What do you needed  to talk to me about?" I asked him, curious about the thing that he needed to say so eagerly, that he risked getting killed by Bellamy.

"Oh, that" he waved around with his hand "nothing, i don't need to talk to you, i just figured that i will interveen before you will do some bad bad decision. You can thank me later"


"Well.. Thanks i guess?" I was grateful but confused at the same time. Never mind.

"Let's go for a walk shall we?" It felt like he was up to something, but i agreed. Until we've reached the gates, there was a compleate silence. I was quite curious where he was going. We stopped somewhere in the middle of the woods and i would will be surprised if we'll find our way back, because i have no idea where we are.

"So.." Jake said aquardly.

"So..why are we here?"

"We need to talk"

Uhmm...ok? Didn't you said that we don't need to do that like ten minutes ago?" I said, laughing a bit

"Well, yeah i did. But i've changed my mind. I can see it Clarke.."

"See what?" I had no idea what he was talking about. He sighed and pushed himself to the ground, leaning behind him, where he found a tree to support him.

"I can see that something is wrong" I gave him a confused look which made him continue "With you..and my so called lover.."

"What?" I asked. Why does he talk like this? I have mo idea what he means.

"Bellamy, Clarke. I mean Bellamy"

No. I ain't gonna talk about that bastard. And just like that, out of nothing, my internal peace was gone and replaced with sadness when i remembered all the stuff i forgot in the past moments.

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