chapter twenty one

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1 thousand reads??? OMFG!!! Thank you guys!! Thank you, thank you thank you!!! I have no words to describe how grateful I am! I love all of you thanks!! Peace out √ :)

Ps- how do you like the new cover? :)

Clarke's POV

I think I'm gonna vomit. That smell is just disgusting. I've put my hand over my nose, so I could eliminate that smell but surprisingly, it didn't have much of an effect.
As i continued to go further to the dark the smell slowly faded away. Thank god.

That was good news, but the bad ones were in predominance. A- i had no idea where i was going
B- i am afraid of dark
C- i think i felt a rat ran across my feet. Gross.

Being alone wasn't such a bad thing. At least i had a time to think and i don't have that asshole behind my back, saying some sassy remarks. Althoug i was trying to convince myself that i'm better of alone,part of me knew, that it wasn't entirely true. Part of me knew, that for the time we've spent together, i've got used to him. Fuck. I never ment for this to happen. Me, getting used to him and all.... But that's over now. Were apart and i don't need him.

God... This place is just gross. No matter how much i tried to sharpen my focus, i just couldn't . All i saw ware dark images and blured objects.
Where the hell am i supposed to find those supplies? I can't even see my own feet, let alone boxes with food.

God damn this trip. It was the stupides idea i ever came up with.
When i was about to shout out how uselles this trip was, i suddenly heard something. It sounded like something fell down but did not break. Mu heart fell to the ground.
Wht the hell was that? I swear to god if that's just Bellamy trying to scare me i will castrate him!! Part of me wanted to go find out what was it, but the other one was scared as fuck.

What the hell am i supposed to do?

For starters, callm down. My subconscious told me. It was probably just a rat, no biggie.
No biggie? No fucking biggie? A rat? I would rather see a ghost than a rat!!!!

BAM !!!!! another awful sound rang thru the room. This time it didn't sound like something fell down, it sounded like some hard material, iron or aluminum, hit something.

God no. I need to get out of here. Im not doing this. The trip is off, sorry.
You're a coward, words of my father rang thru my head. My heart momentarily ached at the unhappy memory.

No. Im not a coward. I need to find the source of the sound. I need to stop being a coward once and for all. I have to prove him wrong, prove myself wrong.

My brain screamed no but me feet were already moving. I won't lie, I'm scared shitless but also excited. I'm quite sure it's Bellamy, trying to scare me. What will i do to him when i find him? Shave his head? Break his finger? Gouge out his eyes? I'm so diabolical, heheh that son of a bitch will regret this. As i contined to creep down in the dark more ideas were popping up in my head.

I wasn't quite sure where exactly i was going. I tried to go in adirection, where i heard the sound that scared me so much before, but it was s rough guess. I was finally starting to see clearly. Thank god.

Now that i can see, i can tell where am, awesome. One big room, that was where i stood. So yes, i had to be walking in cirkles for quite some time. There were plenty of dusty shelfs with some junk on it. I walked slowly towards it, hopimg i might find something usefull. Eww... Spider, well he could be usefull, couldn't he? But then i saw something that could get indeed handy. Flashlight. Bingo. I had to do quite some maneuvering, so i wouldn't flip over the shelf, but i made it.

I turned it on and the lights flickerd. I hope that the battery will hold for some time.
When i looked propely on the walls i saw three exits. I wouldn't be able to see the without this awesome thing i just found. But which one of them leads the way i need to go? When i opened the first door, there was literally nothing. Just plain walls. I walked out and entered the next room. Nothing, again. Well, that's awesome, isn't it? I finally found something and to what? To nothing...

" God damn it" i shouted. There was nothing, no supllies, no water, not even that fucking rat. I doubt there will be something in the other room, but since i'm already here, why not look inside.

I opened the last door and was pleasantly supprised. It wasn't room without a single thing in it. It was dusty,but that was no suprisse. I made two large steps to the shelfs that were situated right in the middle of the room. They were full of trash, blocking my view ti the other side of the room. I tried to move it,but they were to heavy.

When i looked properly, i saw a big gab in between those shelfs, big enough for me to stretch between them. I moved swiftly and somehow managed to get on the other side. The flashlite was still on and i was slowly moving with it, to study the rest of the room. When i turned the battery to the corner, i saw something i almost got a heart attack from. It was a person, chained to the wall.

Without a shirt ,with a bloody chest. I wanted to move, i wanted to help him but i couldn't. I was frozen to the ground, because when he raised his head, i saw something that made my heart sank. I saw my best friend, my childhood love. I saw someone i thought was dead, someone who never let me down in my entire life. I saw a person that was staring at me, with eyes i could never forget. There he stood, in all his glory, Mikael.

Oh yeah, it's happening :DDD
Short chap bcs the terms weren't compleated but i don't want to be that kind of author, who doesn't update for months soooo next chap - 3 votes and 2

-Are you looking forward to getting to know Mikael? :D
-where do you think Clarke is, when she obviously isn't where the supplies are?
-do you like the actor i put as Mikael?

Alsooo do you like the new cover? I made a cast so make sure you check it out ;)

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