Chapter five

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Hello guyssss :)

Clarke's POV


"Take it off! Take it off! Take it off!" everybody chanted loudly. Second day on Earth and i already hate those people.

"Stop!" I shouted " You can't do this! There are you families up in the arch! You are ruining their only chance for them to come down! They will think we're dead! Are you all fucking stupid?" How can everyone be this demented?

The boy who was taking off everyones bracelets just evily smiled and with cracking sound, he freed the bracelet from some girls arm.

"What are you going to do to us if we don't listen ha?" A boy i already seen around here spoke up. I think his name was Bolgar or something like that.

"We don't have to listen to you! We can do whatever the hell we want!" The guy shouted victoriously. Another boy sudenlly spoke "Bellamy's right" he sayd reffering to the speech before him. Bellamy it is then.What a stupid fucking name.

"You have no power over us! No one does! We are finally free! No one can tell us what to do anymore! Especialy not you! He shouted, moving slowly towards me. The crowd stared chearing and claping tu suport him.

"We know who you are Clarke Griffin! They¨ve send you here to spy on us".

Oww..even bigger idiot than i originally thought.

"The fuck are you talking about?" I shouted angrily. His face became really pissed.

"What am i talking talking about?" He said laughing, sounding like a mentally demadged person. " I am talking about the fact that i saw you getting out of your cell the night before we were send here! You came back with a bracelet on your wrist. You went to see Jaha!"

I studied faces people around me. They actually think that i am a spy. They belive him. Fucking hell.

"You were the only one that was allowed to go somewhere! The rest of us? We were told everything in our cells! Isn't that right?" he shouted to the crowd. Suportive mutters sounded thru the dark.

"You want to prove that i'm wrong?" he said raising his eyebrow.

"I don't have to prove you anything! I spat at him " but since you already had to work out a plan to 'prove you wrong', which had to be with your low IQ incredibly difficult i will at least listen to it". I said in a low voice. A few people quitely laughed.His face did not look angry, it looked furious.

"You don't get to talk to me that way you bitch!" He stepped dangerously close to me "But since you want to listen,if you want to prove me wrong you have to take the bracelet off" he said said smirking.

Well...i was expecting that.

"Not happening" I said calmly.

"Awww.. that's a shame" he whispered loudly, from his tone evident that he wasn't sorry at all.

"You don't ge to tell me what to do" I sayd bravely although i was scareed as fuck. "You personally said that, so i don't see a reasonwhy i should listen to you, when you don't listen to me. If you think that i am spy? Well..good for you. It perfectly shows how idiotic you are." i spoke with contempt in my voice. "Oh and by the way? I am slightly concerned that you were literally spying on me when we were in space. Are you sure that i am the spier here?"

His face was twiching in anger. "You stupid little bitch" He shot out and clenched his fist's , ready to hit me. I closed my eyes, preparing for the blow.

"Enough!" loud strong voice shouted behind me.

I open my eyes and saw the guy putting his fist's down.

"That's enough Murphy" Bellamy said warningly. "We will find a way to take that shit off of her, don't worry. I will cut of her hand if I have to but let's try more civilized way first shall we?" He spoke with a calm expression.

Everyone looked scared even the Murphy guy, who almost hit me.

"And you" he said gesturing towards me "Don't think for a minute that I am done with you".

"No!! You don't think that i am done with you!" I screamed at him. He was obviously suprised because he didn't expect me to say anything back. Yeah! Go Clark, go!

"If i am a spy you should be all worried! I know where everything is. Food, water even guns! You on the other hand know less than shit!" I said, pointing to Murphy and Bellamy. "So don't you dare to threathen me you prick! Without me? You're all already dead". I finished, turning on my hell and walking away with my head high, listening to the stuned whispers behind me.

Hello lovelies :)

As usual pls if you likeed it comment :)

Clarke is kinda badass right? :D

Love, Liz

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