Chapter six

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Hello guyzzz :)

----Clark's POV---

Don't panic Clarke, don't panic. I've been walking in cirkles all around my tent about seven minutes now. Think! You can come up with a solution how to avoid this questionable trip! Hold on! I've got it! Muhahahaha!!! I will break my leg!!!

Genius Clarke, fucking genious...

No matter how hard i tried i just couldn't find a solution that isn't demenetd or involve me killing myself. Fucking hell.

Looks like we're going on trip, my inner voice said.

Fuck off! Not happening! Bellamy is probabely planing a way to kill me right now! If not kill me than torturne me! My life is too precious to be taken away. I felt like throwing up when i thought of the fact that the fucker Blake would be the last face i see. least he's hot... my inner voice said again.

"No!No!No! He isn't!" I screamed like mad women.

"Talking to ourselfs aren't we?" That awful,bad,sadistic, annoying yet sexy voice asked.

"Get out of here you piece of shit! I'm not going anywhere with you!" I shouted at him, still not facing him.

" If i recall right princess, i told you we're leaving in ten minutes, not two hours. So if you're done shouting like a lounatic, i would like to go." He told me, sounding a bit angry and itritated.

I turned on my heal and came face to face with his stupid face. His expression was suprisingly calm, like he wasn't mad at all.

"And if i recall right i told you i'm not going anywhere".

"Yes you are"

"No i'm not." I whisperd loudly, steping towards him.

"Yes- you -are"


His eyes were full of amusment and anger.

"I will say this one more time before i'll throw you over my shoulder. You-are" He said taking one step with each word "coming- with-me."

" And once again no! Why should i go? I mean.. why are you taking me? Can't you tell one of your minions?"

"No i can't. Someone has to guard the camp in my absence. And besides, they know shit." he said, a bit smiling. Not smirking, but actually smiling. Wow..that is

"Umm.. i.. " what the hell Clarke? Now he was fully smiling and looked like he's holding up his laughter.

"Geting nervous around me aren't you?" He breath out a laugh and continued "Don't worry babe, you're not the first one" He said smirking again " Or the last one, for that matter"

"I'm not nervous! And how do you know that i know where the food is hmm?" I spoke loudly, changing the topic quickly.

"Well you were screaming that we are all dead without you the other day. Right after my awesome self saved you from getting beaten, for what i did not even got a thank you by the way, you told us that the location of our food is in your brain. So unless Clarke Griffin is a big fat liar, we should get going before it gets dark." he siad calmly, streching his arms in the process.

"How do i know you won't kill me?" i asked him suspiciosly. I just can't help myself. It still feals like a trap.

"You don't" Bellamy answered simply


"But" he said raising up his finger " you should know that if i would truly wanted you dead, you'd be four feet under the ground right now".

I rolled my eyes. Talk about egoism..

"Come on princess, we don't have all day."

"What do i get out of this?"

"You will be with me for two nights, that is the greates thing that could of happen to you" he just didn't....

"but since i know this is not what you want, the reward is of your chosing"

"whatever i want?"

"whatever the hell you want"

"I belive we have a deal then" i said, still not excited abou this. "But i want your word first"

"word?" he asked obviously confused

"That you won't hurt me"

He loudly sighed and scratech the back of his neck. Suddenly a michevous smile appeared on his face.

"Killing isn't really my thing sweetheart" he said steping closer to me " I rather have fun with my victims and destroy them psychically."

He was close, too close to my comfort.

"Uhmm.. alright then..let's get going i guess..."

"See? We can agree! Win for everyone."

Shut up already... I grabbed my back pack and walked out of the tent. Some people were already awake. Bellamy passed me and shouted " Listen everyone" Every single peron head shot up to that ass. Wow.. i guess they really respect him.

"I'm leaving with our princess over there" he said pointing on me "We are going to find food. If everything goes well, we should be back in two days. Until my return Murphy will take the comand. You will respect him and do exactely what he says. Understood?"

Most of them murmured in angreement.


Why do they listen to him? They're free! Pathetic...

I cought some girls looking at me. They were obviously gossiping about me. One of them was tall, slim and had long black hair. Bellamy definitely slept with her. Other bimbo standing next to her was short with a digusting nose. Nope..he wouldn't lower to that. The last one was exactely like the first one but instead of black hair, she had blond ones. Yup..also fucked with Blake.

The black haired one fliped her head in a haughty manner. I just rolled my eyes. Girls like this make me wanna womit.

They started to whisper again and i just had to laugh. Fucking pathetic..

"Ready to go?" Bellamy suddenly poped up next me

"No" with that i quickly walked to the gates

"Wait up princess!!"

God help me....

Hello :) i hope you enjoyed this chap (lol no one actually reads it but who gives a damn right? :D)

If you are the one person that actually reads this story plspls comment :)

Even just a smiley would make me happy :)


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