chapter twenty

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Hola hey amigos :)
I guess I just combined three languages into one sentence *fliping my hair like a boss.
Enjoy lovelies -_-

Clarke's POV

He was holding my hand. It felt awesome. I want to slap myself for that. We were walking for quite some time now. Oh wait, actually not walking, running. He held my hand and dragged me behind him. I triped couple of times but he didn't seem to care, he just kept walking. I doubt he would of stopped if I broke my leg.

"Keep up princess" he called over his shoulder. Easy to say, he has long legs and he's probably keeping himself fit. I on the other hand...well, let's just I say i would rather be eaten by tiger, than run two miles.

"Stop running Blake!" I said loudly, getting slightly irritated. Although we weren't in the woods anymore, it still looked like it. Bushes and trees everywhere and of course, me being me, I just couldn't resist and stumbled across a small rock and fell down. But with my luck it wasn't on a ground, I fell in some bushes and of course, in thorny ones. Luck could be my middle name.

"What the hell are you doing princess?" Bellamy asked my with amused smile.

"What the hell does it look like I'm doing" I said ironicly. Why does he have to mock me every time? "I'm looking for a secret way in"

"On the ground?"

"Yes, on the ground" I said, trying to get up. My arms were scratched but not too badly. He laughed and shook his head.

"Couldn't you help me, instead of laughing at me?"

"No, I'm quite enjoying it actually" Hit him with a rock wouldn't be enough to satisfy my rage.

"You're the biggest dick I ever met"

"Oh I'm sure I have the biggest dick, just wait till you see it" he said, winking. I'll shoot him, simple as that.

"Get up" he ordered.

"I'm trying" I said, rolling my eyes. When I turned around to steady myself, I saw something. As if reflect of sun, but sun can't reflect in a rock, can it? I tried to go closer, but the bushes wouldn't let me.

"What are you looking at? Are you trying to find your lost dignity? Well, here is a newsflash, you lost it long time ago, you're not gonna find it"

"Do you think you're funny?" I asked him, annoyed.


"I think I see something. Steel maybe? The sun is reflecting in it, but I can't reach it, the bushes are too sharp. Can you try it from your angle?" I asked.

"I think your hallucinating" he stated

"Can you just once do something useful? Please?"

"Fine, but just because you look great leaning forward, your ass gets bigger"

I heard cracking of wood and I called out "Can you see something? " Silence. "Bellamy?" Silence. "Fucking answer when I call you!!" Silence.
What the hell? I somehow managed to get out of that stupid bush and i flipped off the rest of the thorns.
"Bellamy?" I shouted as I began to walk to where I send him.
"Bellamy where the hell -" I stopped in mid sentence when o saw him kneeling two meters away from me.

"Why the hell didn't you answer me?"

"We found it" he whispered


He turned his head around and had unbelieving expression. "We found the door "

"Are you serious?" I said as I made three large steps to him, to confirm it myself. It was there. Huge stelle like looking door. It didn't lead inside of that mountain, it lead under it. The door were situated right next to the edge of the rock.

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