Chapter twenty three

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Holla babes :) i was quite surprised how many of you liked Bellamys POV :) thank you guyssss
I posted Pic of Mikael up /\ so check it out :)
Enjoy ;)
LOTS OF MISTAKES IN THIS CHAP , it's worse than in the previous ones :/ sorry
This chapter is dedicated to bellarke10 for all her lovely comments ;)

Clarke's POV

This isn't happening, i must be dreamig. I had to hit my head pretty hard when i jumped down because this makes no sense at all. Mikael is dead. End of story.
But when he weakly whispered "Clarke? Is that you?" I Started to have doubts. Ghosts can't speak, can they? I'm halucinating. That must be it.

"Clarke? Please say something" another whisper rang thru my head. That sounded convincing, but i won't give in. It's just a dream, i told myself, closing my eyes, so i don't have to look on the illusion that my head created.

"It's just a dream, it just a fucking dream" i said lowly and repeated those words for quite some time.

When i was about to say them again, my vivid dream stopped me and said "Clarke stop for gods sakes, it's not a dream!'' The ghost spoke up. "Please get me out of those chains, please Clarke just do something, dont stand there like that" he pleaded in a low tone.

I opened my eyes and looked at him. I didn't noticed before, but i was crying. Tears were rolling down my cheeks like waterfalls. I let my eyes wander over Mikaels body. He hasn't changed. Dark brown hair, sticking everywhere they possibly could. His deep green eyes, looking at me, as if searching for something.
I rememeber how he used to look at me, he was always happy, always. Sometimes, he tried to hide it ,because when i was sad he didn't wanted to smile, but his eyes always gave it away.
But it's what i liked about him, always an optimist. He was tall, very tall, although now he was hunched so i couldn't properly see how much he grew up. He had muscular chest, but not too much. Not like Bellamy, my brain said. Seriously? How can i think about him in situation like this!! As i studied him more and more, i started to realize that he is very much real.

"It's really you, isn't it?" I whispered, my tone shaking from all the crying.

"I'll explain everything Clarke, just not now. There's no time. We need to get out of here"

"Why? Whats going on?" I asked him. I wasn't sure if i can trust him. I mean...after all i didn't see him for five years, i don't know anything about him anymore. The boy i knew is gone.

"Youre having doubts?" He asked. His mouth turned slighly up, as if he was smilling.

"How did you got here?" I said in a harsh tome. I felt somehow used. I thought he was dead. For five years i lived in a horrible lie. They told me he was floated and now i find him chained and bloody hanging on a wall.
Surprise Clarke? He could of told me. He could of find a way to tell me. This just isn't right. I started to feel used and worthless all of a sudden. New tears were threatening to fall out, but i couldn't let that happpen. Stay strong Clarke, you can do this, i told myself.

"No time Clarke, i said i'll explain later. We need to go"

"How did you got here?" I shouted, stepping closer to him. I refuse to take orderes from him. Maybe i'm acting irrationally and stupid right now, but i don't care. I have the upper hand. He is your friend Clarke my subconciois told me.
No, he is a guy i used to know.

"Fuck, come on Clarkie. Im sorry you thought i was dead, im sorry okay? But just give me a chance to explain and i promise i'll make it up to you, ok?"
Me heart jumped a little when he called me Clarkie, he used to call me that when we were little. To be honest i don't even remember when he called me differently, he probably never called me Clarke, only Clarkie. I'm glad that at least this hasn't changed. He moved his hand, and i flinched at the sudden sound of chains hitting the wall. I need to know how he got here.

"How did you got here?" I asked for the third time today. "Or why didn't you at least told me that you weren't going to die!!?" I asked and raised my voice.

"I couldn't, alrgiht?! Don't think for a second that i would leave you voluntarily without a proper explanation!! If i would of had a chance i would do anything, and i mean anything to tell you" his chest was rising fanaticly, he was angry.

"I just...i just don't understand" i choked out.

"And I'm trying to help you understand, but you have to set me free. Please unchain me and i'll tell you everything, but we need to get out of here. You have no idea what kind of monsters are hidding inside of those tunnels"

The savages the little girl was talking about. That must be them.

"Did they do this to you?" I asked, anger boiling inside of my body.

"Yes, but we need to go Clarke, before they decide to pay me a visit"

I don't think i have much of a choice here. I can't leave him here, after all he used to be my friend and i wouldn't be able to do this to him, not even after he left me thinking he died. Plus i need to hear out everything he has to say. I moved towards him and raised one of my hands towards the edge of the metal chain, carefully because i didn't wanted our bodies to touch.

"How am i supposed to open it? I don't think i can break them, I'm not that strong"

"You know there is one simple way how to open everything Clarkie" he said and i looked at him,waiting for an answer. "With a key" he said, smiling.

"And where am i supposed to find that key, mr i know everything?" I asked him, slightly annoyed. He shouldn't be joking, not in a situation like this.

"There" he raised one of his fingers and pointed to one of the shelves. "There is box in it, look inside. It should be there"

I quickly moved towards it and pulled out the key. I ran back to Mikael and pushed the key inside of the lock. It was rusty and i can tell you, it was quite a struggle to open it. But when i finally managed to do that and i freed him from the chains, Mikael fell to his knees on the ground.

"Crap! Are you alright?!" I asked him, kneeling beside him. His head fell to his chest and his arms were holding him up. Although he was kneeling if his arms wouldn't help him to balance himself, he would of fell down.
I put my hand on his neck and the other one under his chin, lifting up his head. His eyes were dull, it was a change for me, because i was used to seeing the shining brightly and not like this.

"What's wrong? Talk to me! Can you stand up?" I asked him concerned. There was a weird pit in my stomach when he fell down. I don't like seeing him this vulnerable, this hurt, like he's suffering.

"Im fine." He said slowly "i was chained up there for quite some time so legs just felt heavy all of a sudden, thats all"

"Alright, can you stand up?"

"Yeah, im fine" was all he said before he started to push himself up. He stumbled a bit, but then he steadied hymself. I got up right after him and said "So,can you tell me now?"

"No. We need to get out of here, fast" he turned his head away from me and started to walk in the direction i came here. I noticed that there was a pretty big bruise on his left cheek, but as he said, there was no times for questions now.

"But where are we going? I jumped in here from some kind of a hole, but i'm not sure if Bellamy's back yet"

"Don't worry, there's another way out. You're here with somone?"

I didn't felt like telling him all about Bellamy, so i said the only thing that came to my mind "no time to chat, remeber?''

"Fine, follow me" he said, and squeezed himself in-between those shelves. I went rigt after him and with one last look back, i walked out of that room and followed Mikael to the dark.

Hello lovelies :))
I hope you liked it. I just wanted to thank you for all those comments, because every single one of them made me unbelivebly happy :)

Sooo next chap- 6 votes and 6 comments :)

Questions- what are you saying on Mikael?

-do you like Dylan as Mikael? Or did you pictured him differently?

- did you like how Clarke reacted on him or did you expected her to run in his arms? :)

Thank you, thank you :)


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