Chapter twenty four

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Hello babes :)

Clarke's POV
Mikael was right, there was another way out. But what he didn't tell me was that we were going to walk for god knows how long to get there. My legs seriously felt like they're gonna fall off. When i asked him where are we, or when are we going to get there, he just shushed me with "quiet, you'll know when we're there".
So you've got to understand, that i've been getting impatient. I had so many questions. It was unfair from him to keep it away from me for such a long time. It had to be a few hours since i found him and i still knew nothing.

"I think we're here" Mikael suddenly whispered. I looked around where we were and all i suprisingly saw ,was dark.

"It's the end of a tunel?" I asked him


"Great, but how are we going to get out of here. I don't see any exits around here. You want to dig under the stone?" True, i can't see much, but there was no exit.
Just a stone put to the end of a tunnel to prevent people going in or out. There was a slight gap between the rock and the mountain, and sun was shining thru it. I was pleased to find out that it was still a day time and not night.

"No i'm not gonna dig under" he said moving towards the stone " but i might simply move the rock" he finished as he put his hands on the hard material and pushed on the surface of it. It made awfully loud sound but to my surprise, the stone actually moved.

"Can you fit in between?" He asked me.

"I-i don't know" it was a really small gap and i doubt that i am that petite. He sighed and pushed on the rock one more time. The gap got bigger, so it was big enough even for him to squeeze in between.

"Ladies first" he said with a boyish smile, gesturing with his hand towards the exit. He didn't had to tell me twice. I was more than happy to get out of this awful place. I moved swiftly towards it and finally walked out of that cave. Mikael followed righ after. I took a deep breath of a fresh air.

God, this is great. I thought because the there was no longer that disgusting smell. Mikael was still shirtless and bloody. I noticed that there was a deep cut right under his left breast.

"How long do you have it?" I asked him. It could get infected if its deep.

He raised his eyebrows and asked "what?"

"The cut"

"Don't know"

"Does it hurt? I need to look at it, it could get infect-"

"You're not doing anything. We need to get as far as we can from this mountain" he ran his hand thru his hair and in that moment i remembered something, or more likely someone. Bellamy.

"No! We can't leave. I need to get back! "

"What the hell Clarke? We need to go, not hang around and wait for them to come!"

"I'm not going anywhere without him!" I raised my voice at him. Bellamy saved my life, that's why I'm going back for him, or at least that's what I'm telling myself. You know its not the only reason, my subconscious told me. I just rolled my eyes. Of course i know..

"I'm going back for him" i annouced " with or without you. I am not abbondoning him. He was looking for a way to pull me out that place while i was with you, so no, i am not leaving him alone here"

He looked like he was thinking about the answer but i deep deep down knew, that he won't let me go alone, and i was right.

"Fine, then i'm comimg with you" He said slowly "But i just hope that you know what you're doing. I hope he's worth of risking your life"

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