Chapter one

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Hey guys :)

I can not write first chaps very well so please keep reading I swear next chapters are going to be better!!☺Love, Liz


Clarke's POV.

Hello there, my name is Clarke.  I'm 17 years old and I happen to live in space. Pretty cool right?
My mother and father are one of the mains. Mains are people on Arch- very important people, engineers, doctors, mechanics and all the people that help to run the Arch.
My mother is a doctor, my father is an engineer and me? I am a ball of disappointment. For anyone out there, wondering, i am sitting in prison right now. Yup. to sum up my journey to this cell?  There are very strict rules on Arch. You break them, you go to prison -simple as that.  
No one knows what I've done. No one but me.  I could never tell a soul . I have nightmares each and every night. I am waking up, sweating  and i just want to burry that crap behind me, but i can't. I'll never be free of that.. I'll never be free of my haunted mind.

 I've been imprissoned when I was 15. Because my mom and dad are the mains, the arch kept it quiet.My parents were ashamed of me. They never really acted like my parents. I never had the felling, like i have a family. We never talked that much, they never asked how i was, if something was bothering me, simply nothing. After they found out what i've done, they told people, that I have a disease and that I will die soon. After some time they simply told them I'm dead. 

They simply couldn't have they honor be tarnished. Parent of the year, right? I can still see it in front of my eyes. That day she walked in my cell and told me.

--Throwback -

I was just lying on my bed and suddenly the door opened. I flinched at the sudden sound of cracking door. I turned my head quickly to see, what was happening.

What the hell?

My mother was standing in the doorway. I was confused. This was her very first visit In here.

''Hello Clarke "she greeted me with a cold voice.

" Hi mom" I answered, in a happy tone. I was so happy that she was here, confused but happy. I haven't seen her in 5 months.  But when i studied her face expression, it was clear that she wasn't happy to see me at all. 

"You came" I breath out " I stopped hoping after the first month".

" Not voluntarily Clark" she said in a dangerously low voice.

" What do you mean?" 

" It means that I have a really serious reason why I came here". At this point i was getting angry.

Sad and angry I snapped at her "Stop talking shit then and tell me what you want."

" Don't you dare to talk to me this way Clark!" shes napped. "Your father was..."

I cut her off before she could go on "No! Don't you dare to talk about him! You knew what was going on and you've let him do it anyway!!"

I can I came closer to her and looked her straight in her blue eyes, which were filled with anger by now. "You've let him do it for 3 years". I've seen a spark of sadness in her eyes but it was replaced with anger immediately.

" You are being send to the ground Clark" she said.

"W-what?" I stuttered out. " what are you talking about? It's not safe!" I said rising my tone.

 Not hapening mom! I see that being in prison isn't enough for them, i need to be removed completely. 

" We don't know if it's safe or not Clark, we need to find that out".

" How am I supposed to help you with that?"

" Not just you ,all of you. All of the teen prisoners are going to Earth by tomorrow morning". She said calmly.

"No! I won't go!!" I shouted angrily. "They can't do that!!! They can't just send us away like a piece of trash!"

" It's not a question Clark, it's an order!"

" You are my mother you can't just get rid of me!"

This time she came closer and said

" I am not your mother.I've stopped being one when you were sent here"

My eyes started to water. I couldn't breathe. She turned on her heel and without saying goodbye, she walked away.

--- present---

I was crying by now. Fuck Clark, get your shit together. Its been two weeks since we landed on the ground. It is survivable. I raised up my arm and wiped out all of my tears. It's truly is everything I dreamed off. Trees, flowers, fresh air and mostly rain. Whenever it's raining I run outside and dance. It's somehow refreshing, but I am afraid I look like a freak, while doing so.

We've build a camp in a ship we came with. People in here are.... well criminals. I don't talk to them, or more likely, they don't talk to me. For some sick reason they think I was send here to watch them. They think that I am a spy. Not that I really care what they think, but it's annoying.

All of them are too reckless. We almost ate and drank all of our supplies and we have no idea where to get others. Well, at least they don't know where to get them,I on the other hand do. I am not planning on telling them anytime soon though... I was against eating them ,but then once again- no one listens to me. And again- not that I care.

There was one girl that I actually kind of like. Her name is Octavia. She is fierce and brave. Her long brown hair are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. We started talking on the first day we landed.

Her mother and father are dead. Her father died because he was sick and her mother was floaded because she had a second child, her. She is a girl i can talk to and actually the only person who seems to have a brain in here. She never thought that i am a spy or someone like that. I was feeling sorry for her. She never had a family either, and for the first time i feel like someone actually understands..

The only thingThat i hate about her, is her brother Bellamy. It's not really about her, but whatever, she could of killed him when they were living together, because i certainly would of.  He is is the biggest dick i have ever met along with his bunch of brainless minions. Bellamy has brown hair and deep green eyes .Also that piece of shit took all of our bracelets. Wait,wait let me explain.


"Wait" I screamed "stop! Where are you taking me?" the men didn't listen. He took me out of my cell and roughly pushed me next to him.

" You don't have to act like a fucking cave man you prick!!" I spat at him. I saw him flinch, but he didn't say a word.

We went through a couple of rooms until he finally stopped. Thank fucking god. My legs were starting to feel numb. I was still really pissed from the talk with my mother. She didn't bother to visit me for 5 months and suddenly she comes back into my life and gives me orders. Just what I like... If you didn't notice already I am not that kind of a girl that just lets you screw her over.I always say my own opnion, no matter how inappropriate the situation is. 

I love helping sick people. My mother -being the doctor she is, led me to help them from the very beginning. I have some medical experience but I am not a pro. I am very curious if this has something to do with my her. The guard who led me here took out of his jacket pocket a small key card, to open the door.

He held it out in the air, so the sensors could read the code. Everyone has them. The guards has them just a bit extended so they can walk freely to every single room. The door suddenly opened and I stepped inside of a huge room....

Soooo what ya saing guys? Was it bad? I promise next chaps are going to be better!! I just had to get thru the beginning! Now the fun part can begin (evily laughing her ass of) . Next chap should be more fun but the real stuff comes up later :) You'll see Bellamy in the next chap ;) if you liked it pls comment. Even if you didn't pls comment :D I will love to read your opinion's:)

Laters guyzzzz


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