Chapter two

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Hii guyzzzz :)

Hope everyone is doing okay. Have fun. :)

Clark's POV


Walls were covered with monitors and all over this place were tables with computers. I don't think i was here. Suddenly person stepped in front of me. It was Jaha. The chancelor. He has everything on command. Well... If I am with him, i've got to be in big trouble. Fucking hell...i really don't feel like talking. Especialy not him.

"Clarke" he softly spoke " it's nice to see you"

" If it's so nice to see me, then you could of come to visit me than".

"Clarke i...." I didn't let him finish though.

"No. Stop the sweet talk shit and get to the point. It's middle of the night and I am sneaking here with a guard in two fucking morning, so nobody can see me, because they think I'm dead. So you've got to understand, that I am really not in the mood". I spoke coldly.

"Alright then, I assume you spoke to your mother. Is that right?". I nooded quietly, waiting for him to continue.

" Come and sit with me Clark". He waved to one of the tables . I moved, and sat on the uncomfortable chair.

" So you know what is ahead of you then". He said with a tight smile.

"What?" I asked him-confused.

" I'm talking about your trip to the ground Clarke".

" What? No, no, no I thought she was joking! You can't do this! You will kill us!". Fuck no!!! I am not going anywhere!! Absolutely not happening!

He got up and walked to the big monitor.

"Do you see this?" He spoke softly, probabely thinking that his tone will calm me down or something. But his voice wasn't calming me at all. With every word he spoke, I was beginning to panic even more.

" What is that supposed to be?

" It's you. All of you. The 100". He said gesturing to the faces on the monitor. It looks like there was ever each one of us. With every adolescents kid photo there were some numbers I did not understod. Who does he think I am ? A math expert or something? But than it suddenly hit me.

"You will be tracking us" I breath out.

"With this" he said lifting up a steel thing. It kind of looked like a bracelet. A big hideous bracelet.

" I'm going to pin this on you and we will track your health. That is how we will find out if the earth is survivable". he said almost loking hurt.

"What if I don't want to?" I asked, refusing to take such a shity order.

" You don't have a choice Clark . Even if I would do an exception what then hmm? You will turn 18 in 2 months and then I will have to execute you. Not just you, but all of them. I am NOT doing this to kill you, I am doing this, to save you".
He was right. If we stay, we die. But maybe we have a slight chance, maybe we can manage to survive. As crazy as this whole trip sounds and as much as I don't want to go, I don't feel like being executed.

"All right then, let's do it" I said seeing no other option, holding up my hand for him, to put the bracelet on.

"All done" he spoke after couple of minutes.

"Good. I can go then." I asked him. It's not like a did not appriciated this gesture, but I was numb from this talk.

"Yes, yes you can. But Clark remember this . you need to find water no matter what. we will give you some supplies, but it's not going to be enough to last a month". He whispered. Jaha suddenly got up and walked to one of the monitors where some kind of map was shown.

He put his finger on the screen and said " this is the place where you will find water and food. It used to be shelter. You will land here." He said, moving his finger to the right "if everything goes well. It should be in a forest."

I just simply noded.

"Build a home for yourself Clarke. Take care of them, and most importantly- take care of you. I know who you are. You will try to help others and forget about you. Not an option this time. Stay safe Clarke."

He finished and walked to the nearest table to sit down.

When I am thinking about this, I must be the only personal he called here. the others were probably introduced to the plan in their cells.

I always kind of liked Jaha. I'm not in a romantic way of course. After all he was 50. But in a friendly way. He was always there for me when I needed him. He always gave me a good advice. I knew I could lean on him, that he will be there for me.

" You are leaving early in the morning, be ready" he spoke, worry evident in his voice.

"I will" I replied, turning away and slowly walking towards the exit.

"Clarke?" Jaha's voice suddenly called out. I stopped, but I didn't turn back to face him.

" I never judged you, never did and never will. You did what was necessary to survive, and survival after all, is all that matters". He spoke softly. I quietly nodded and with his words replaying in my head,I walked away, knowing, I will never see him again.

--end of flashback--

Bellamy took away all of them. The arch thinks we are dead now. I am the only person still wearing it.

He is pissed, because he wanted to all of us take the bracelet off. I won't do it.

Jaha saved my life with this trip. The least thing I can do to repay him, is wear it. Bellamy was doing everything to presuade, me it's a good thing to do. He also said if I don't get it off, he will. No matter what. Even if he has to kill me. How sweet of him. I mean, no one even know how he got on this ship in the first place.

He is 19 which means he would be dead if he would have done something. They execute you in the age of 18. I'm going to find out what is that fucker hiding and I will rub it in his face. It's getting late. Time to get back to camp.

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