Chapter twenty nine

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Hello my loves :)
I am sorry for the late update, but i told you before that i was on a volleyball camp. I am exausted and every single part of my body hurts :D well, thats enough about me, enjoy the chapter :)

MISTAKES- like a lot of them!!! Sorry :/

Clarke's POV

"Wake up, sleepyhead" someone whispered to my ear.

"Mmm...not just yet..." I answered sleepily.

"C'mon babe, we need to get goin' '" in that moment i knew it was Bellamy talking, because my insides immediately clenched, when he called me babe.
I felt his fingers on my forehead, lightly brushing my skin. I kept my eyes still closed, although i was already awake. It felt good, when he touched me like this, or in ant other was for that matter...Every time it was something special. It was like my body reacted on every single move of his fingers and lips a d the worst part was, that he knew it. He knew exactly what he could do to me, what he did to me when he touched me, kissed me and just simply was around me.

"I don't want to get up" i said stubbornly, still keeping my eyes shut.

"Well, if you wouldn't spend your night by talking shit about me being a frog, you wouldn't be tired, princess" he pointed out.

I let out an annoyed snort and slowly opened my eyes. I was blinded for a second by the sudden amount of light. I pushed myself up, right after i could sharp my focus. Moving Bellamy aside, which didn't go without a sassy remark, i made my way to the table. I spotted Mike a fee feet away from me, whole he was putting cans of vegetable to a backpack. I didn't even bothered to say hi and grabbed another backpack, which was lying on the chair that was located right next to me, and i started to put another food inside.

My eyes were still hurting from the lack amount of sleep and my whole body generally hurt. I guess it is from sharing a sofa with Bellamy, we were pressed on each other, so my muscles are probably just streched.

Silence fell over us. Each of us was busy by putting cans of food to a back pack that we will soon cary. When mine was full, i zipped it propelly and put it over my back.

"Are we ready to go?" Mikael suddenly spoke up. I had an urge to roll my eyes at him, because only the sound of his voice was annoying me.

"Yes" Bellamy said "But we can not tell anyone about this. About the wildlings, grounders or whatever you call them, it would only cause panic, and we don't want that" he shot Mikael a death glare, which was a big warning for him, but obviously Bellamy wasn't sure if he understood so he add up "you will keep your mouth shut, or there will be consequences"

Mike just rolled his eyes and opposed, which made me think that he has a death wish "I don't have to follow your rules, you may be their leader, but you're deffinitely not mine"

Bellamy stepped towards him, his eyes burning with anger and he wore deadly expression " you better listen to me, i'm not jokking. If you'll mention more then a word, i might accidentally slit your throat" When those words left Bellamys mouth, Mike looked profoundly scared. I knew that Bell wouldn't be able to do that. He may be a jerk, but he sure ass hell isn't a murderer. Mikael obviously trusted him, because by now, he was pale like he'd just seen a ghost.

"Fine" he hissed. Bellamy tossed me a victorious smirk and winked at me, probably proud of his persuading capabilities.

"And who are we going to say he is?" I asked

Bellamy turned to face me "Let's  just say that he was with us all along. They know shit about who came with us. We'll say that he ran away the day we landed and that we found him and he want's to get back. Easy. " Wow, lies were rolling out of his mouth like the sweetest poison and if i didn't knew him better, i would of trusted every single word he said.

We've got out of the bunker and i was annoyed by thought of the long way that's ahead of us. We continued in silence and i've spent the whole time thinking about this trip. We've got closer with Bellamy, that's for sure. But a big part of me wasn't ready to say goodbye to him just yet. I knew tht when we get back, things won't be like this anymore. We won't be joking around, he won't have any perverted remarks anymore, we will part our ways and that will be it.
He will get back to his whores and i, i will be left alone with a dickheaded acorn. I grew to like him, a lot. I wasn't sure if i feel something for him, because let's be honest here, it's hard to not to, but i didn't even wanted to say that i can't live without him. He was there for me all the time, and i saw a person underneath the 'i don't care' mask.
I saw him worried to death, i saw him laughing his ass of and mostly, i saw him care. Care about Octavia, about all the people back in camp and even a tiny bit, about me. I would give anything to see how he feels, but i doubt he could ever feel something for me. After all, i'm nothing but a common girl with common body and common brain. Nothing special.

He was the opposite of common, i know that now. If you would of told me that two weeks ago, i would of told you to go fuck yourself. But now i know that he is in his own weird way an amazing person. Gorgeous body, gorgeous lips,gorgeous eyes, a bit of demented mind, but even with that, he was perfect.

Soon, it was almost dark and i was surprised to find myself infront of the gates of our camp. My heart skipped a beat, because now i fully realized, that this was truly the end. I glanced at Bellamy who was standing right beside me. The door started to open and through the loud cheering that was comming from inside i heard Bellamy say " See you later, princess", before he walked away to the crowd.
To be honest, i wasn't sure if there is gonna be some 'later princess' and that scared me, that scared me a lot.


Hello loves :)
Sorry for this chapter, i know it's bad :/ i just didn't wanted to leave you without anything. I promise that the next ones will be better!!! Hope you forgive me :(

If you somehow enjoyed this chapter please comment and vote :)

Question - what do you think will happen between Clarke and Bellamy now that they're back in camp?

- will they part their ways or not ;)

Thank you, Liz

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