Chapter thirty four

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Hello :) I hope that you're not mad at me :( I was trying so hard to update as soon as I could but I have so many stuff to do.... I'm sorry guys :(

Clarke's POV

"Please let me show you. Let me show you how much i'm sorry, let me show you how much I care. Will you let me babe?"

Just when my foolish self was about to say yes, my dear friend and savior appeared behind Bellamy's back. When he saw that we were in the middle of something, his face hardened and he made that annoyed face and said ,, Come on guys, not again?! The one thing that I actually do not crave is getting caught up between you two, while you're having some kind of argument that was about to end with a steamy sex, but will not end like that, because the intruder Jake did the one thing he can do the best, intrude." He finished his long ass sentence and opened his mouth once more ,, I need to talk to you Clarke" I smiled at him, because I was happy to see him an even more happier that I did't got to say yes to that bastard.

Hearing those words, I tried to push Bellamy away, but he didn't move an inch. His face looked like that he was about to murder someone.

,,You are not leaving this place until we're finished" he growled, looking straight to my eyes. Before I could snap back with some smart ass comeback, Jake decided to talk again. Wow, I was starting to think that this guy had a death wish.

,, Actually" Jake said, raising up his finger and pointing it at furious Bellamy. ,, I think, that she was finished with you a long time ago, buddy"  Yup, thank's for reminding me that Jakey.

Bellamy's  hands were in fist right now and I was actually afraid, that he will do something really bad. He turned away from me, facing Jake. ,,I don't like you, Jake" he growled.

,,Well, I am really disappointed Bell, because I like you a lot and find you somehow intimidating and hot at the same time" OMG, I was internally dying of laughter, not only because of Bellamy's expression, which was so confused and I could say that he wished that those things weren't true, but somehow, his sick ego  was pleased that he can make literally anyone fancy him. Another reason was, that I knew that those things Jake just said were 99 percent true.

Bellamy opened his mouth, as if he was about to say something, but closed it again.

,,What was that?" Jake provoked him again. Actually, this was the first time that I saw Bellamy speechless, that asshole always had a sassy remark for everything.

,, I will pretend that I did not heard that, and I will repeat it once more. I do not like you, so leave if you know what is good for you" Said Bellamy

Jake just made an annoyed face and put his hands on his hips ,,Okey then, listen up sweetie" He said softly, with a hint of sarcasm. I noticed that Bellamy shivered and there was a hint of fear in his eyes, when Jake called him sweetie. ,, I can tell you , that I don not like many things too. I don't like you hurting Clarke, I do not like being caught up in your fights, I do not like sharing a tent with a girl that smells like death and eats a bug for a breakfast, saying that it will improve her karma or what..So yeah, I do not like many things too, but somehow, they always tend to happen" he finished with a sweet smile.

Bellamy looked shocked and honestly, i was surprised that he was acting nonviolently. I found this situation hilarious and in the meantime i forgot about all the troubles and heartache this prick caused me. Jake was a truly amazing person and i regret that i've judged him with the rest of them. He is that kind of human that will make you laugh even in your darkest times and those people are priceless. Even though i don't know him much, i consider him a friend. It may be foolish, but i think that the both of us could use a good friend to talk to.

Bellamy sighed and he finally stepped away from me. ,,You want to talk? Fine. Talk. But Clarke" he said, looking straight to my eyes. ,, This conversation is not finished, i will find you and when i do, you will talk to me, willingly or not"

,,Actually, it would be much harder to actually not find to her, it's small camp Bellamy" Jake spoke up again, winking at him.

,,What the fuck" i heard Bellamy whisper under his breath. I do not not how he feels about this, but i could say that he feels really uncomfortable with this Jake liking him thingie. I knew that Jake was doing this on purpose to make him leave but at the same time i knew, that this whole thing was partly true, which made it even more hilarious.

Bellamy seemed annoyed by this whole situation so he probably figured that it will be the best to leave us alone, which i was grateful for. I did't wanted to be around him right now. I do not need his negative energy around me, i have Jake now and he is the only person i want to talk to.

For one last time Jake called out to Bellamy, who was like 20 meters away from us right now. ,,Honey?! It is not polite to not to say goodbye. I will find you later hun! We can talk about those arrangements about getting our tents together and stuff! I will find you later!" He finished, looking like he actually meant it. Oh Jake, what will i do with you.


Okay guys, i know it's been a super long time and i am truly sorry. I know you are probably mad and i don't blame you. I was going through a lot so i hope you won't judge me. i love you ok? and i do hope that there will be at least a half of you reading this. If you liked it, i will be thrilled if you'll leave a comment down bellow. Next chapters are coming, at least on more will be posted later today.

Love, Liz

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