Chapter thirty eight

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Hello my loves :) it's me again. I just wanna make it up to you for the long time that i was't posting anything :)


Clarke's POV

I woke up and sat up. There was still dark outside and i doubted that i have slept for a long time. It has to be the middle of the night.
It was so hot in here and by hot i mean warm, not hot because of the half-naked model lying next to me. I ran my hand through my hair and breathed out loudly.

What a night, i thought and i looked over to Bellamy. He looked so peaceful right now. His gorgeous mouth was slightly open and his hair were messy as ever. My thoughts went back to what happened a few hours ago.

His lips pressed on mine, his hands touching my body, his fingers, tongue and dick taking me to heaven. It was one of the best nights of my life. I have never experienced such a thing. Don't get me wrong, i've had sex before, but not like this. Not so passionate and intense, this was something completely different.

I've had sex on the Arch with a boy called Martin. Our families were close, really close and we were just celebrating his mothers birthday. We were at the table when he started to touch my thigh and it did't took a long time before he suggested that we'll sneak out. It was good, not that it was't, but let's just say that he could't do things with his dick that Bellamy managed to do with his fingers.
I guess that he's on another level in this. I don't know how many girls he has fucked and trust me, i don't want to know.

I needed to take a breath of fresh air, so i got up, not bothering to put any pants on and went outside. It was hot outside too, but it was still better than in there. I started to walk around and i thought about Mike and about how will he react when i tell him what happened with Bellamy.

My heart skipped when i heard footsteps behind me. I turned around quickly, afraid of who might it be. I calmed down when i saw a familiar face. Murphy.

"Oh well, look who we have here" he said slowly. He was drunk.

"Hi Murphy" i greeted him politely, although I didn't wanted to talk to him. His eyes moved down to my bare legs and i started to feel uncomfortable.

"You know, it's dangerous to walk around in the middle of the night" he said, walking towards me. I instantly made a few steps back.

"Yeah, i just needed a breath of fresh air. I should probably get back" I said, hoping that i'll end this discussion.

"Not so fast" he said, making two huge steps. Now he was close enough to grab my hand and pull me closer to him

"where's the rush?" he asked in a sickly sweet tone.

"let go of me, right now" i said bravely, although i was really scared.

"Or what, hmm?"

Or nothing. I did't had any plans so i was just trying to set free from his hold.

"Why don't we have a little fun together, hmm?" he asked, pulling me even closer. Our bodies were touching and i wanted to puke.

"Let go of me" i said, but this time, my voice was shaking.

"I don't think so"

His left hand started to go up my T-shirt and although i was fighting back, it was to no use. Just when he was about to lean in for a kiss, he was pulled back by an enormous force.
I blinked a couple of times before i fully realized what just happened. Murphy was lying on the ground with a huge person on top of him. I recognized those messy hair. Bellamy.

He must of have woken up and then he realized that i was't there, so he went looking for me. He was sitting on top of Murphy and he was beating the shit out of him.

"Bellamy stop!" i screamed and i ran towards them. I was thankful that he came just at the right time, but this was getting bad. Murphy looked like a freaking zombie. His face completely covered in blood.

"Bellamy stop!!" I repeated "He's drunk!!"

He did't seemed to care and he kept on beating him. I had to do something. I tried to push him away, but he did't even budged.
All of a sudden he stopped, as if he realized that i was talking to him the whole time. He looked at me and got up. I expected him to say something, but he did't. He walked away to the tent and i ran after him, leaving Murphy half dead on the ground.

I found him standing in the corner, facing me with his back. He had only his black pants on and there were scratches on his back. Ups, my fault.

"Bellamy?" i asked "Please talk to me"


"Bellamy co-"

"What the fuck were you thinking about?" He shouted at me, turning around to face me. I flinched because i did't expected him to scream at me.
"What the fuck Clarke?! Why would you do that?! Why would you leave in you fucking panties when you know what is going out there every night?! " he shouted, his eyes filled with rage "They get fucking drunk and you go out there, waiting for them to come to you??huh?!"

I was at the edge of crying. I did't meant for this to happen and i realized how irresponsibly i acted.

"I'm sorry" i said, tears in my eyes

"Fuck, Clarke" he said, running his hand through his hair "He could of fucking hurt you, don't you understand?" he asked softly

"I do, I'm sorry" I said, wiping off my tears

"I woke up and you were't here so i went looking for you and the i saw you with the dickhead...Clarke, what would you do if i was't awake?"

"I-i don't know" I answered, choking on my own words

I had to look really pitiful , because he came closer and pulled me towards him. I wrapped my arms around him as he lifted me of the ground, making his way to the mattress. He lied down right next to me and i hugged him tightly.

"Are you OK, babe?" he asked carefully

"I will be"

"I know you will" he said and i felt him smile in my hair "Sleep now"

I did't managed to find strength to answer him so i just nodded and right before I feel asleep i felt him kiss me on my forehead, which made me happy. He cares.


LOL. What do you think guys? Hope you liked it :) i wanted to ask you guys fir something. I know that the most of you don't do it, but it would really help to encourage me in my work if i would see some kind of feedback from you...because when you leave it on read, i start to think that I'm doing a lousy job.. I love your comments and they always light up my day when i read them. No pressure, i just wanted to get this out of my heart.

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Love, Liz

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