Chapter twenty six

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Almost double update? Oh god, i'm fucking awesome :D *flipping my hair like a boss*
Enjoy babes :)

Clarke's POV

"W-what are you saying?" That can not be true. He has to be lying. It's impossible.

"I know it's confusing but it'll make sense eventually". I turned my head to Bellamy who was staring at Mikael with unbelieving expression.

"Can you explain it one more time please?" I asked him.

He sighed and ran a hand thru his hair " Fine. So, how to sum it up...They didn't told you about us, did they? They didn't told you that they've been sending others down here, right?"

"No they didn't" i nodded in agreement

"Thought so. It was the same with us. We didn't got a warning or anything, we just came here without knowing less than shit. In the beginning it all sounded awesome actually, no rules and all that stuff...but soon, it got old. The people i came with were starting to go mad. I don't know why, it was all of a sudden, like something triggered their brain and told them to act like lunatics. In the middle of the night, someone started a fire. Our camp was burning , so i packed my things and got out of there as fast as o could. I didn't have friends there-"

"I wonder why.." Bellamy rudely interrupted, giving Mikael one of his best cold smiles.

Thankfully Mike was smart enough to not to say anything back, so he just continued. " As i said, i didn't have friends there, so it was no problem for me to pack my things and leave without turning back. They were all too wild, criminals after just seemed all the time, like i didn't fit in".

Familiar Clarke?

"I've ran out of that camp to the woods and after some time i found a first shelter. Later i found another one so i figured that there will be more of them, and i was right. I was happy i found it because it was full of food and i had a roof over my head. It seemed like everything is going great but thats the moment it all went down.."

"Can you stop being so dramatic, please?" Blake asked, sounding annoyed.

"You know that you don't have to liste right? You can roll over to a corner and go to sleep" Mike said. I don't blame him for talking back, Bellamy is a prick sometimes, well..all the time.

When Bellamy was about to say something back, i raised up my finger and said "Stop, don't say anything". I want to know everything about how he got here and not spent the whole night listening to the two of them fighting over such idiotic things.

"Please, continue Mike" I said slowly and from the corner of my eye i saw Bellamy roll his eyes. Prick.

"One day i went out of the shelter i was sleeping in and that was the mistake. I ran out just in a moment that a group of people was wandering over that place. I immidiately knew that they wern't from the camp. I tried to run but i didn't stood a chance. They took me somewhere, actually to the place where you found me. They used to ask me all sorts of weird questions so i figured, how can they possibly know that? So i asked"

"Asked what?"

"Part of me already knew the answer to the question i was yet to ask, but the other part kept telling me that it's bullshit. But it wasn't. True, they aren't the frendliesst creatures, but from the time i've spent there with them, i learned. You need to know how to act around them, because if you don't, you're already dead. They demand a certain amount of respect when you talk to them.
They need to feel like they have all the power, so you have to act weak and hope they'll leave you alone. But the way how to get on their good side couldn't be possibly easier. Compliments. You need to compliment them, that's how you do it. And when they're drowning in pride, that is the safest moment to ask all the questions".

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