chapter eighteen

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Updating almost every day? Am I normal? God...I love myself :DDD
Love yaaaa guyssssss
enjoy...:) a little bit of drama never hurt nobodyyyyy

Clarke's POV

Somehow I managed to climb down the tree without actually hurting myself. Yes, i really am awesome.
When I finally stepped on the ground Bellamy asked me "Where to princess?"

"We need to go that way" I said, pointing to the right.

"Lead the way babe" he said, winking at me. As usual, I rolled my eyes at his behavior.

"Stop calling me babe" it was getting truly annoying.

"Sorry, babe"

Why. Just...why?

We walked for a while in silent, both if us lost in our thoughts.

"How long till we get there princess?" He asked, breaking the silent. I didn't miss the sound of his voice.

"Don't know" I answers drily

"Come on princess, you're no fun" he said, walking next me

"Well, I wonder why" I said ironically

"Maybe it is because you literally threw bugs at me, than you made me climb a huge-ahhhhhhh" before I finished my sentence, ground under my feet cracked and I began to fall down in some kind of a hole. Before I could hit the bottom, strong arm wrapped around my wrist and secured me.

"Oh my god Bellamy please don't let me go!!!" I pleaded. His face was full of fear, probably same as mine. I looked under me and what I saw almost made me fade. Sharp stakes. Tens of sharp stakes were sticked under me. If I would of fell down, I saw would be dead for sure. Panic started to rise through my body.

"Bellamy" I looked straight to his eyes "Please pull me up, please don't let me go" my eyes started to water and at this point, I didn't even mind. I will die for sure. He will drop me, after all I've been nothing but nasty to him, although he saved my life before.
When I thought that this is truly the end of me, his hand started pulling me up. Oh my god.

He pulled me to the ground. I was literally crying right now. He saved me. When my feet touched the ground they gave away on me and I fell on my knees. I wanted to thank him like there was no tomorrow. I looked up bit I couldn't see thru my teary eyes. I wiped away my tears, hoping that I will finally see something. When I sharpened my focus the first thing I looked for was Bellamy.
I saw him kneeling beside me. He looked at me with such pain in his eyes that I didn't even thought it was possible. When I saw him I started to cry again. He saved me. He didn't have to but he did. I owe him literally my life. He put his hand on the back of my head and pulled me so close to him that we were touching with every single part of our bodies.

"It's OK princess, I've got you, I've got you" he whispered in the back of my neck. My hands were wraped around his body that it probably hurt him.

"Shhh, I'm here babe, you don't have to worry anymore. I'm here for you. I've got you, I've got you babe" he repeated those word like a prayer. Than he did something that made me cry even more. He put a long kiss on my forehead. I grabbed him even tighter.

"Thank you" I didn't knew what else to say. I just held him and he held me and it felt god damn right.

When I finally calmed down I stood up, trying to wipe away my tears. He got up right after me and said "Let me do that babe, I'll take care of you"
With those word he raised up his hand and wape away the rest of my tears. His hand stopped at my cheak and I leaned in his touch. He stroke my cheak with his thumb. If I wouldn't be scared to death, it would probably turn me on.

"Are you going to be OK?" He asked with concern.
I didn't trusted myself with word so I just noded. He ran his hand through his hair and looked around, dropping his hand.He walked over to the hole I almost fell in and kneeled right beside it. I refused to go closer.

"What do you think that is?" I asked him

"It looks like a trap..on an animal or something" he murmured quietly "the stakes are sharp, to whatever purpose this serves, it is supposed to kill the thing that falls down"

"Let's just go" I whispered.

"Don't move" he ordered loudly

"What? Why?"

"There could be more of them"
Oh Panic was creeping back to my bones. He stood up and walked towards me.

"Give me your hand" he said, his expression still of unreadable.

"Why?" I asked. Not that I minded.

"Why do you always have so many questions?" His eyes flickers with annoyance. "If you fall again, I catch you and if I fall..well..let's just say that you're going with me" he said, giving me twisted smile. As I put my hand on to his, sudden heat shot through my body.

"Be careful" was all he said before he began to move.

We traveled in silence. His hands were a lot bigger than mine, but they fit just right.

"Why do you have such big hands?" I said, trying to lighten up the mood. He shot me amused stare.

"It's like if I would ask you why do you have such a big head. No fucking reason"

"I do not have a big head!" I said with a big smile on my face "But don't change the topic! Your hands are abnormally big! They must be really clumsy" I was teasing him and I was truly enjoying it.

"Tell me babe, why didn't I let you fall down?" He said and we laughed together.

"Because you have no idea how to get inside that mountain" I stated

Then silent started to hang upon us once again. We were walking for what felt like ten hours. My legs were starting to hurt but I didn't wanted to complain. Then we walked and walked and walked. Sometimes one if us said something to tease the other but the whole way was surprisingly good. We were still holding hands and felt really great. When he held my hand I felt like I have someone to lean on. I know it's probably bullshit, thinking something like this without even knowing him, or worse, actually knowing him but it felt good, it felt right.

Bellamy suddenly stopped and I raised up my head to see what was happening. We stood before a huge mountain. I guess we're here. Bellamy dropped my hand and I suddenly missed his touch. Fuck..get a grip Clarke.
He walked over to the big rock and said "Well..we found it but hownare we going to get inside?"

"Why are you asking me?"

"When I asked why I didn't drop you to that hole, you said I didn't know a way in, that's why"

"Yes, I said that. But I didn't said a word about me knowing something "

What ya saying guys?

Next chapter- six votes and three comments

Questions- Did you liked how Bellamy looked after Clarke after she almost died?
-should I make an actually sex scene?

Thank you

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