chapter sixteen

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Hehe :)
It's me again ;)
Enjoy babe's.
Ps- there is a bit of sexual content so if you don't like or if you get offended, don't read it. :) You won't miss much, you can easily read the next chap without actually reading this one :)

Clarke's POV What just happened?
I was breathing heavily. Oh god. If it wouldn't of be for Bellamy, I would be dead by now. Torn in to little pieces by this hideous big fishlike creature.
He saved my life.

"God" I breath out. Bellamy was still facing the lake, but when he heard me he turned his head around. I couldn't read his expression, his face was emotionless.

When he layed his eyes on me he ran his hand through his thick hair and said "Fuck, what the hell was that?!"

I would like to know that too ,since it nearly killed us. Which brings me to...
"Thank you" I said.

"For what?"

"You saved my life" I explained, looking to the ground. His mouth pressed to a tight line.

"Yeah..I did.." Was all he said. But I didn't expected more. I was grateful. So fucking grateful. I was about to walk away when I remembered his hurt leg.

"Bellamy" I said softly "Your leg. We need to do something, it could get infected"
He kneeled down and started to examine the wound. I noticed that it stopped bleedenig, but that didn't ment anything.

"It just a scratch" he said simply. Bellamy probably didn't wanted me to touch him or some shit, but this needs to be healed, like now.

"Stop" I snapped " Put your pride away for fifteen minutes and let me do this. It could get nasty. Wounds like this can be infected and then god knows what will happen!!" I raised my voice. I looked up and saw that he is wearing very amused expression. He looked as if he was trying to hold back laughter.

"What? Why are you smiling?!" I shouted this time. When he heard me, he bursted out laughing.

"Stop it" I said. What the hell? I'm trying to help him and he laughs at me? Somehow my words made him laugh even more. I was close to him so i've done the only thing I could possibly do. I punched him. But again before my hand went far enough to actually hit him, he grabed it once more and pulled my closer in unbelievable speed. This was starting to bother me. Why does he always catch me when I'm trying to hurt him?
He quickly leaned in, so his mouth was on my ear and whispered "What is it with you punching me today?"

I tried to wiggle out of his hold but deep deep down I knew, that I was enjoying it.
I felt him smirk as he licked the tip of my ear and felt me shiver. Damn it. Why does he have such a strong effect on me? No one ever did.

"Why don't we continue the thing that was happening in the water, hmm?" He whispered seductively. I felt my heart speed up at his words and my breathing got harder.

"Nothing would of happened" I answered, although I knew that I was on 100% lying.

He chuckled against my skin, amused by my answer. His hands grabed my waist and pulled me even closer.
"We both know that's not true" he whispered "You wanted me. I wanted you. You have no idea how much I want to tear those clothes of of you and bury myself deep inside of your pretty little pussy"

I moaned as he bit down my neck.
"Bellamy..." My words died when he put his hands under my t-shirt, so I felt him on my bare skin.

"Hmm.." He murmured "you're so gorgeous princess, so fucking perfect"

"Bellamy...your leg...I need to take care of it"

"You won't be taking care of anything tonight. I will be taking care of you"

" What? What do you-" Before I finished my sentence, he pushed my head up and smashed his lips to mine. Fucking fireworks exploded in my lady parts. This was the first time we were actually kissing mouth on mouth, and it was awesome.
His gorgeously soft lips were hungrily kissing me, and couldn't do nothing but kiss that bastard back. My hands shot up to his hair. I heard him groan slightly as i tugged his hair and it was the sexiest sound I ever heard.
He drove his tongue over my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I kept my mouth shut because I really want to make him frustrated, make him feel what he was doing to me for the past day. Soon he got tired of close mouth kissing so he tangled on of his hand to my hair, yanking my head back. I squeaked because I didn't expected. When I did that, he pushed his tongue to my mouth. I felt him smirk against my lips. Son of a bitch. The kiss began to be more and more heated and I was running out of breath. He seemed to feel the same because he pulled back. Not much, but enough for us to breathe. Our foreheads were touching.

"I knew it" he said, breaking the silence.

"Knew what?" I asked, not knowing what was the thing his dysfunctional brain discovered.

He smirked and replied "I knew that you wanted me.I knew that your pretty little pussy was wet for me. I knew you wanted to fuck me"

Hearing those words, I pushed him away. How dare he? I-i didn't wanted to do anything with him...did I?

"Son of a bitch!" I shouted at him as I turned around and started to walk away. Before I could actually walk away I heard that he went after me and soon Bellamy poped up in my way.

"It's nothing you have to feel ashamed for, love. Everyone wants to fuck me" he said with cocky smile.


"Listen buddy" I started. I saw a hint of amusement in his eyes when called him buddy. "You were the one who started to kiss me! And I do not want to fuck you!!!

" Oh yes you do. You want to feel my fingers inside of you, you want to fell my tongue inside of you and finally, you want to feel my big fat cock inside of you" My insides clenched at his dirty words.

"God stop! Stop talking like this!!" I shouted

"Why? Am I turning you on?" He asked, smirking again

"I-i ..NO!! God, of course not!!!" I denied it, bit I knew I was getting hot for him. I need to go away before this ends in a way I will tomorrow regret.

"I think you're lying princess"

"No I'm not!! And even if I would be lying, it is non of your fucking concern!" I spat at him. Fuck I want him so badly.

He just chuckled and said "fain, play it this way babe, but there will be a time when you'll be begging me to touch you. I'm sure of that."

I rolled my eyes and went past him. My clothes were dry by know, which I was grateful for, because I would be cold otherwise. I sat myself down and ignored Bellamy for the rest of the night. After some time I finally fell in to a peaceful slumber.

I am for sure!!!!! Sorry that there wasn't much of an action in last chaps but I wanted to heat things up a bit between them ;) Hope you liked it
Pls pls pls comment !! Or vote :)
Thank you
Ps- I will update once more until Friday if there will be 3 votes and 2 comments :)
Question- do you want to learn more about Clarkes past? Do you prefer cocky and horny Bellamy or do you like him more when he is thoughtful and sweet?

Love yaaa

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