Chapter twenty five

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Hello babes :) i hope everyone is doung okey :) Enjoy the chapter :)

Clarke's POV

When we got to the shelter it was almost dark. I was pleasantly suprised. The suplies were really there and there was a lot of them. Bellamy popped himself on the couch and Mikael stood awkwardly in the corner of the room.

"What do you think this is?" I asked

"Don't know" Bellamy said lazily. He put his arms behind his head, which caused his shirt to ride up a little, exposing his muscular stomach. Wow..don't drool Clarke, don't drool.

"It's a shelter" Mikael spoke up, moving to the middle of the room. "There are more of them. I know about six of them, the're placed on random places all around those woods. Each of them has a couch, a table with two chairs and supplies. The're all pretty much the same"

I went towards Bellamy because my legs were hurting "Get up" i ordered. He doesn't have to sit, i'm a lady, i get all the privileges.

"Excuse me?" He said, raising his eybrows, not moving an inch.

"I'm tired, i need to sit down"

"You can sit on my face if you-"

"Do not finish that sentence, Blake" i said with disgusted exoression. He barked out a laughter and dropped his legs to the ground so i have a place to sit.

"Thank you" i said with sickly sweet smile and jumped on the couch right next him, but i was paying attention to not to sit too close.

"I want to sit in the couch too" Mikael suddenly spoke up. Bellamy gave him the "shut up or i'll kill you" look, which he mastered perfectly. "Or i can just sit on a chair" Mike said, as he noticed Bellamy's murderous face, turning around and pointing to the chair behind him.

"You better do that, acorn" Bellamy murmured quietly. When i heard it, i elbowed him to the ribs. I'm quite sure he doesn't like him. He turned his head to me with that kind of "that's all you've got?" expression. I wanted to say something back to him but In that exact moment Mike started to drag a chair from the corner in front of us. In that process he looked like he was in his last hour. Bored expression with a hint of tiredness.

When he sat down an uncomfortable silence started to hang upon us. Mikael looked really bored, although i don't understand why. I guess it was more fun for hit to be chained to a wall. Bellamy on the other hand looked like he wants to grab a fork and stab it to Mikes eye. The usual i guess.

"How did you got here?" Bellamy decided to ask.

"I jumped out of my room and i accidentally flew around the Earth so i said why not explore it a little" Mike said ironically. In that momemt Bellamy pushed himself up from the sofa and tried to make a step towards Mike, but before he managed to do that, i grabbed his arm and pushed him back. I didn't look over to him because i knew he was killing me in his head right now.

"It's not the right time for jokes Mikael" i said

"Seriously Clarke? I'm 145 pounds of fragile bones, sarcasm is my only defense" he said, throwing his arms up around him.

He sighed loudly "I got here just like you. With a drop ship"

"But how?" I asked leaning slightly forward

"It's a really long story, i don't think i will bother with all the det-"

"So i suggest you start talking" Bellamy interrupted.

Mikael rolled his eyes but thankfuly, began to talk "I've got arrested when i was fifteen, you know that" he said gesturing towards me.

"Why did you got arested?" Bellamy asked, this time in a calm tone.

"Why did you got arested?" He retored.

"None of your fucking bussines"

"Exately" Mike ran his hand thru his hair and gave me a look ,from whom i understood that i should keep my mouth shut and not to tell anybody what he had done. "So as i was saying before, i've got arrested when i was fifteen. You came to visit me from time to time, but i know you couldn't, i know you had it forbidden. And i'm grateful for what you've done for me Clarke" his eyes sparkles with sadness and my heart skipped a little " I know that you've tried to take the blame. But you shouldn't of done that, it was stupid" he shook his head a little.

"I was trying to protect you" i said.

"I know, but it was a stupid thing to do. I've spent three years in prison. One day Jaha came to my cell, i was frightened. I wasn't eighteen yet and i thought they'll execute me. But that wasn't why he came to see me. Jaha told me that we're going to Earth. I thought he was joking, so i told him to go fuck himself, but soon enough i knew that he wasn't. Next day the guards came to my cell and dragged me out of there. They've put me to a drop ship with others and send us to the ground"

"The day before your birthday, i wanted to go see you. They told me i can't. I-i wanted to say goodbye but they just..they wouldn't let me" i choked out

"That's because i was no longer there"

"B-but how? What about the others. What about all the families? Do they know?"

"They have no idea. They think we died those years ago. It's same with you actually. No one knows, only the mains"


"Panic, i guess. Not everyone would agree and they had no time to argue"

"Who were those people who chained you up?"

"Chained up?" Bellamy asked, obviously not knowing what was going on.

"When i found him, he was chained up to a wall" Bellamy nodded in understanding and gestured for him to continue.

"Those who came before us" he said slowly.

"What?" I asked

"The people who did this to me came to the ground from ark before we did. A long, long time ago"

"What does it mean?"

"They've been sending people to Earth for generations. So it means that you're not the first one to come here, and definitely not the last one"


Olaaa people :DD Who's confused? I'm for sure :D

Pls pls comment and vote if you enjoyed :)

Love, Liz

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