Chapter eight

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Not even sure why i put taht smile there...just felling like it :DDDDDDDDDDDDD

You are so lame Liz, so fucking lame........:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Ok..That's enough



Just joking people..........



Clarke's POV (ouuu yeahhh)

Bellamy pushed himself up with a loud groan.

''Stop being such a goof-off'' I said, annoyed. Why is he acting like i just cut of his arm? I admit, it was a hard kick but that doesn't mean he has to groan two hours later.

''Goof-off? Goof-off? Are you fucking serious? You almost castrated me you crazy bitch!'' He spat angrily. His expression was calm though, that was disturbing.

''I wouldn't have to 'castrate you' " I said, gesturing guotation marks up in the air " If you wouldn't act like a fucking slezeball"

"Slezeball? I was just politely offering you the best sex of your life! You was the one who started to act all psycho on me!"

"Psycho? Politely? You were everything but polite! And besi.." Before i could finish my sentence i was cut off by a loud scream.

"What was that ?" Bellamy whispered

"I have no idea"

"Do you think it was from our camp?"

"No, it culdn't be. We're too far away"

"What the fuck was that then?"

"Bellamy.." I sayd slowly "I don't think the question is what. I think the question is who." No matter how impossible that sounded, the voice belonged to a human being, not animal.

Bellamy raised up his hand and rubed his eyes.

"No, there are no other people Griffin"

"What? What are you talking about?"

"There is no way there are othere people. They couldn't survive."

"Well..i wasn't thinking about that. I thought that some idiots were following us from our camp, but now that you said it, it's creping me out".

"Thats more probabel way. I'm gonna kill them when we find them!" Bellamy roared angrily.

"What? No! We are not going anywhere! You and i have a schedule to stick to!" I said. Not happening! I am not going to look for those idiots.The sooner we find the food, the better. We don't have time for this.

Blake rolled his eyes and said " We have to find them Clarke, they will die on their own. You saw what a bunch of criples they are." He sounded almost as if he cared, almost.

"Bellamy" I sighed " We can't. Long way is ahead of us. We need to be back soon and we can't afford to spend three days looking for them. On top of that we don't know for sure if it was truly a person, it may sounded like one be we don't know for sure."

He turned around so i was facing his back. He ran his hand through his hair and spoke quietly " Clarke....I don't think you understand.. i...i feal responsible for them you know?" He hunkered down and continued, still turned away. "When Octavia was born..i..the point is that i promissed i will protect them. I can't break that promisse..not again"

Wow..when did this conversation turned so sentimental? He looked like it was important for him. There was something that happened to him, bad something. Can i say no that? I mean..even i would feal a little bit bad if something happend to the them and i could have done something.

"Come on Griffin. I know you probabely don't care about them because of the things they're saing about you, but that will pass soon enough. They just need entertainment, things to talk about. They will stop once there's other thing they can gossip about." Bellamy spoke, standing up. He turned his front to me. His face was pale. What the hell?

"Are you alright? You look like you are going to fade any minute" I asked him with concern. The last thing i need right now is disfunctional Blake.

"Fine" He spat at me. I flinched at the sudden outburst.

"Sorry" he said, running hand through his hair " It's could be one of the small ones you know? The little girl Kattie? Or the small boy? Aron i think.."

What the hell is going on? Why is he acting so soft all of a sudden? Could he really care about them so much? But then it hit me.

"You're scared that it was Octavia aren't you?"

He looked me straight in the eye. I was unable to move. His eyes were so..hypnotizing.

"Yes" Was the only thing he said

"Yeah, alright. Let's go find them" I told him with a small smile. It was weird but i find it quite great. The fact that he cares about her so much. It was probabely because i never had someone like that. No one ever cared for me the way he cares for her.

"Thanks"Tight smile crossed his lips. "Not that i really cared for your opinion because you would go with me anyway sooo...You would be lost and helpless without me. I would hear you running after me because you would be afraid.

'Bellamy wait, wait! I'm sorry i want to come with you! Please take me back'." He said awfuly mimicking my voice. Somehow the smirk found its way back to his face.

Alright then, the Bellamy i hate so much is back. Thank god.

"But as i told you" I spoke "We don't have any time to waste so we will look for them. Two days. Thats all you get. Understood?"

"Yeah, yeah whatever" he rolled his eyes.

Unbeliveable.. this boy has some real mood swings issues.

"Let's get going then"


Hello lovelies

Sorry, it's short. I will probabely update once more today or tomorow.

How did you like sentimental Bellamy?

Do you think it will be someone from the camp? Or maybe someone else? (chuckles like a lunatic)



Love, Liz

Ps- just the usual...comment would make me unbeliveably happy.

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