Chapter twenty seven

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I am freaking great :D


Clarke's POV

"I don't believe it" i said, shaking my head. My mother wouldn't of done that.

"But that's your problem, not mine" Mike said. I raised up my head to look at him. I did not see my friend, all i saw was a pair of blue eyes that belonged to a stranger, to a person i used to know.

"How can you say this like it doesn't involve you?" I said, disgusted by his behavior.

"Because it doesn't. It's your mother not mine, who send all those people to die"

"She did not send them to die!! She saved them from execution!!"

"Saved them? She did it because she was to selfish to let go of her beloved friend!! She didn't do it for them! She did it for herself!!" Mikael shouted "like she always do"

"Why are you so angry?! She saved you too!! If she wouldn't of had that idea, you would be dead by now!!"

"No i wouldn't!! They were planning on leting us go! All of us!! But then your mother said why let us go when they can get rid us!! So she told the others abouth her plan and everybody agreed, after all we were still criminals. Mains wanted to keep locked up only those who had done something serious, like murder or some shit..."

"No you're lying!" I said, trying not to sound hurt but deep inside his words were killing me.

"C'mon Clarke, you're smart. You know i'm telling the truth, you just don't want to admit it to yourself"


"Think about it" Mike said "I have no reason to lie! It's true! Your mother knew that they were going to set us free, but she didn't wanted that. It would be much harder to keep up with all those lies she told if they would of let me out. So she told them to send us away!! What do you not understand about it!?"

"Mikael my mother may be a bitch, but she isn't a monster" my eyes started to tesr up. I didn't wanted to belive it, but as he said, Mike has no reason to lie.

"But you're alive!" I said, choking a bit "you're alive and on Earth! What do you not like about it!!?"

"I may be alive but what about the others, hmm? Tell me Clarke, what about all those people who came with me? Those who were butchered by the first people?"

A tear rolled down my cheek. I can't belive it. How could she? Maybe i didn't knew my mother after all..

"And that's fucking enough!!" Bellamy shouted. I flinched and looked over to him. I wasn't sure to who he was talking to, but when i saw him glare at Mike, i understood. "What the fuck are you doing, hmm? I don't know what this is about, but i can assure you, that if you will continue to say shits like that, i'll fucking kill you" Bellamy said in dangerously low tone. "Why the fuck does it sound to me like you're blaming this shit on her? Why are you blaming her for her mothers mistakes?!"

"I'm not blaming her for anything, i just need to her to understand!"

"I think she understands very well you piece of shit!" Bellamy shouted as he clenched his fists.

"Stop" I whispered "Don't fight,please". Both of their head shot up to me. Bellamys eyes seemed to soften a bit, but there was still a lot of anger in them. He ran his hand thru his hair and sighed.

"I'm gonna go to sleep now, please don't shout. I'm tired" I annouced, although i wasn't tired at all but i just didn't felt like talking to anyone. I heard that Bellamy quickly spat something at Mike, but i didn't caught what was it and honestly, i didn't care. I went to the corner of the room, because it was the furthest point away from them. I sat on the ground and pulled my knees to my chest, hugging them with my arms. The room got quiet and i was grateful for that.

I can't believe what Mike told me. But he is right, he has no reason to lie. I just can't bring myself to think that she would really do that. I knew that she was a bitch most of the time, but i didn't knew that she was a monster like this. More tears were rolling down my cheeks, no matter how hard i tried to stop them.

My thoughs were interupted by someones hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see who it is and part of me thought that it's Mike, tring to say something more, but it wasn't him. Bellamy sat right next to me. Our bodies were touching and his hand went from my shoulder to my knee.

"Is that true?" He asked slowly.

"I-i don't know" i choked out, drying my tears. I didn't wanted him to see me cry, but it seemed that he already did.

"Don't cry princess. He's not worth it"

"I'm not crying"

" To be honest, i don't understand half of those things he said" i was glad that although he knew i cryed, he let it go.

"Me neither" i said, smiling a little.

"I think that this will come as a surprise to you, but i don't like him" Bellamy said, smilling.

I chuckled "surprise of a century"

"C'mon, let's go to sleep. We have a long way ahead of us"

"Yeah, goodnight then" i said, slightly dissapointed that we won't talk anymore.

"You're sleeping here? On the floor?"


"I don't think so" he said and put one of his hands under my knees and the other one on my back. Then he did something that made me squeel a little. He lifted me up.

"What are you doing?" I asked as he went somewhere.

"Princess shouldn't be sleeping on the floor" was all he said before my body touched something. He sat me on a couch.

"Sleep here"

"You know i can walk, right?" I asked, smilling, grateful for his gesture.

"Goodnight princess"

"Wait, please"

"Yes?" He asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Could you...uhh.. Could you..stay here?" I asked him shyly. I don't knew why o did that, but i just didn't wanted to fall asleep alone.


"Nothing..forget it." I said, feeling embarrassed.

"No, what did you wanted? I just din't quite catch what you were saying" he said with a small smile.

" I was asking if you could lay here, with me" i repeated those words from before, looking to the ground.

"Uhmm.. Are you sure that is a common sense talking?"

"Yeah, i just don't want to sleep alone tonight. But if you don't want to i-"

"Shut it princess, of course i want to" he said, smirking. Bellamy moved towards me and sat an the couch.

"Thank you"

"No problem" he said, lying on the couch. When he lay down i felt his stomach pressing on my back. I turned sround to face him and made sure that he's lying comforably, so i could lay down too. When i did that, his strong muscular arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I let out a deep breath and tried to ignore the butterflies in my stomach. His fingers were slightly stroking my bare skin under my shirt.  From the corner of my eye i saw Mike sleeping in the near corner.

"Thank you" i whispered

"You already said that"

"I know. Goodnight Bell"

"Goodnight princess"


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Love, Liz

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